Monday, December 10, 2018

Day 56: The Rhythm of Life

The Rhythm of Life

Between reflecting and reading, I believe I have found the problem to my current life attitude.  I have not been taking care of myself. This fall, my rhythm of life changed when it came to my teenager.  We went from her going virtually nowhere day after day, to her going to school for three hours every day. At the same time, like every year prior, I expected to ramp up my writing.  With my health acting precarious, it was only a matter of time that something in my life explode. In this case, I became angry because everything was out of control.

First and foremost, I need to be resting more.  I hate resting. My mind rarely turns off in the afternoon for me to take a nap.  I also detest sitting around when I have a million things I want to accomplish. The last couple of days, I have worked at sitting in the living room to either read or watch television.  I am making progress.

Artist dates help to revamp me.  I have been struggling to get them into my schedule.  I really have no excuse besides being busy with running around for Madelle and taking two classes.  Now with the Christmas season, I am busy getting presents, baking, and decorating. I may not get to my artist dates until the 27th, but I will work at making it a priority once Christmas is over.  My first project I believe will be painting my butterfly house. I will be posting pictures in the coming year. Thinking about it, I might work on a puzzle before then.

Friends are another essential aspect of the rhythm of my life.  This fall my friend’s husband took a turn for the worst and passed away.  Her and I weren’t getting out for our daily walks and talks. My Bible study group and I were super busy and didn’t meet for about a month and a half.  My amazing neighbor and I lost track of our time. We hadn’t been on a girl’s outing since like June. These four ladies are such a blessing. I missed them.  I am so thankful that our lives are getting back to normal. This last week I have been able to hang out with all of them and life feels so much better.

The end result is that I have to back off in my writing.  I have to rest more. I can’t let so much time elapse between artist dates.  And finally, I need to keep my schedule open for friends. With all of this, hopefully, my rhythm of life will get back to a healthy song.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...