Monday, September 30, 2019

Day 346: My Destiny

What do you think you are destined for in this life?

Hum, a couple of things come to mind.  I am destined to be Jerome Richard’s wife, a mother, a soldier, and a writer.  Yep, these are the things I am to this point of my life.  I will not rest in just these destinations.  I am destined for sainthood.  Yes, this sounds very egotistical, but really, I am being completely honest.  A saint is simply a person in heaven.  Now, the Catholic saints are those the Church can comfortably say made it.  The Church has no idea about common people.  They can’t judge that.  But, we are all called to be holy, to be the best version of ourselves.  I strive for that everyday.  Now, I won’t become a saint by my doing.  God is merciful and forgiving.  He will help me get there.  My goal is sainthood.  My destiny is sainthood.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Day 345: Tires

Today I am doubly thankful to Zach and Woolsey's Tire.  I jumped in my pickup to drive across town on the snow and slush.  Not a problem.  I put the pickup in 4 wheel drive just to see how it works, but I didn't need it.  Of course, the roads aren't as bad as they will be later in the season, but I am happy with the truck and the tires.

So, why am I thankful to them?  Well, when I first brought home the pickup, Zach told me the tires on the pickup are high quality highway tires, not good for snow.  He said I would land in the ditch with them.  Well, I planned to get my normal Toyo tires in October, but when I heard of the storm coming, I stopped by to chat with my favorite mechanics at Woolsey's.  I figured I might not get the tires before the storm since I hadn't planned ahead of time.  Nope.  They set me up for a Wednesday appointment, changed the tires, stored the old tires for next summer, and had me on my way in less then an hour and a half.  Now I can face the winter knowing I have a safe vehicle to get me all over town.  I don't like to travel out of town, but I will feel more comfortable if I must.  Thank you, guys!!!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Day 344: Single or Partnered

What is the best thing about being either single or partnered (whichever you are right now)?

Well, I am not single nor partnered.  I am married with a lifelong commitment to my spouse and God.  Marriage is my vocation in the church.  I would say that the best part is to have someone to go to functions with and spend a lot of time together.  That isn’t the case because a military family does not have that luxury.  I will say that the best part of marriage is having camaraderie in life’s journey.  He may not be able to attend a function with me, but I know he is there in spirit.  We have each other’s back.  I can rely on him to be with me spiritually and emotionally.  He is my greatest supporter, and I strive hard to be his.  And a bonus, I can’t think of anyone I would rather watch Monday Night Football with when we are both in town.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Day 343: Visiting

If you could visit anyone on the planet right now, who would you go see?

Hum, my first thought is that I am good.  I have traveled all over the state this summer, and I am ready to just stay home.  My second thought is to run to Columbus to see my sister and talk about her trip.  But I will say, I am exhausted with travel.  I truly want to stay home for a while.

Now, if the question was to visit anywhere, I would say that I really want to take a trip down through Colorado to see the cliff dwellings at Manitou and Mesa Verde.  I would continue south to see the White Sands in New Mexico.  Right now, I am fascinated with these dwellings and want to use them in the current book I am writing.  I will use them.  I just don't get to see them ahead of time.  I keep thinking of ways I can pull this off, but with the girl in school and a trip to Vegas next month, I just can't.  Maybe next summer.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Day 342: First Kiss

Describe your first kiss.

I am so not one to kiss and tell.  I don’t like this writing prompt.  My first real kiss was when I was fifteen, in the winter, outside on his grandparents porch.  I dated him for a while.  He was a great kisser.  He was a great friend.  Alas, he never compared to the love of my life.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Day 341: Dessert

What is your favorite dessert?

Really?  A favorite?  Just one?  I guess I will have to dedicate this post to my sister.  My favorite at the moment is sticky toffee pudding from York, England.  I don’t even think I could find the restaurant that we ate the dessert.  But, someday, I will go back to York.  I would love to stay for a good month to tour all the historical sights from the War of the Roses.  So many stories and projects, so little time.  But, I digress.

As for the dessert, imagine my surprise to learn the pudding has dates in the cake.  I never thought I would like such a dessert.  Oh, and the toffee sauce.  Really, this is what makes the dessert so spectacular.  The sauce goes in the bottom of the ramekin and in the cut layer.  When they flip it over on the plate, more sauce is added.  Delightful.  Short of going to York, Missoula's The Stone Accord has a good pudding.  Also, I made a very good one this past Christmas.  Yum!!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Day 340: Parrot

If you had a pet parrot, what would you teach it to say?

My first thought would be “Jesus loves you.”  But I might get tired of hearing that from a parrot.  I don’t ever want to get tired of those words.  So, here is what I would have him say, “9ers, number one, Steelers suck.”  Love you Jerry!

Actually, I have to sympathize with my husband.  The football season becomes long when your team isn't playing to their potential.  My 49ers have had a lot of bad years lately.  That is partially why I like to play fantasy football.  We are able to watch other players have good weeks.  The fun comes back.  Of course, after last week, I completely tanked.  Oh, well.

In reality, I don't know what I would have a parrot say.  Luckily, I am not looking for another pet to add to the family.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Day 339: What A Weekend

I don't remember the last time I have turned off my cell phone or not thought of writing something for longer then an hour.  This past weekend, I worked a three day retreat and did just that.  I turned my cell phone off.  I could have used the flashlight on it.  I could have fixed my fantasy football team.  Instead, I told God to take care of getting around in the dark church.  As for the football?  I lost.  I am perfectly content in the lose.  I wrote some notes and a sentence or two.  But, really, I left the pages blank.

So, what did I do over the weekend?  Well, I really can't reveal the details.  Suffice it to say, I spent time fellowshipping with God and well over forty of my Christian sisters, all strong and courageous women.  We praying, sang, laughed, cried, hugged, and loved. 

I made this weekend in 2000 but didn't go again until 2009.  Since that year, I have only missed one because I needed a break after my dad passed away.  Anyway, every year, I come out a better version of myself.  This year was no exception.  The weekend was so very fulfilling.  I left with a feeling of contentment and joy.  I don't think I have had a better weekend.

I thought today I would be exhausted.  I am not.  I am full of with joy.  Blessings to you all.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Day 338: Bathroom

Name three thing you have in your bathroom right now.

Well, besides the obvious…I have a cool barbed wire star that hangs up on the wall next to my sink.  I hang my necklaces on the barbs.  My mother-in-law commented on it just this past weekend.  I have a small blue bucket in the garden tub that I keep full of water for the cat.  She doesn’t drink from a regular bowl.  Silly cat.  We also have the litter box in the bathroom to keep it away from the dog.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Day 337: Learning

What is something you have learned in the past few days?

Hum, I learned a bunch when I went to the hospital in Bozeman.  I learned how to load a sterilizer with a huge rack of surgical instruments.  I was impressed with how they do that.  The racks slide into the machine.  I also learned how they wrap the sets with the paper like fabric and how the lettering on the tape to keep it closed will turn black when it hits the right temperature.  Yes, I enjoyed the tour.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Day 336: Scheduling

    I am out of phone connection for two days.  I thought I would try the scheduling button.  I should have practiced it to see if it works.  Oh, well.  My Friday post posted today.  Thus, I am writing this post to schedule on Friday.  Hopefully, it will post correctly.  Along with Saturday.  Uff da.  These writing challenges can be difficult.  Have a great day!

Day 336: Something to Change

If you could change one personality trait about yourself, would you?  Which one?

Yep.  I would change my love of food.  I love to eat.  Well, I love to eat all the bad stuff.  If I loved vegetables, life would be better.  Instead, I dislike most of the green things.  The ones I like I prefer with cheese or ranch.  Uff da.  Not good combinations.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Day 335: Favorite Eatery

Do you have a favorite spot to go out for coffee or dinner?  What makes this spot so great?

I have a list that includes places around Montana.  Yep, I travel through the state and have my favorite spots for different things.  Here in Helena, my favorite coffee spot is The Scenic Brew.  I go almost every Wednesday to write for a hour to an hour and a half.  When the ladies show up, we have our Bible Study.  As for dinner, I would say Suki’s is the best.  They have amazing sushi, and they have great service.  I feel like I am going to my home away from home when I go there.  They are always glad to see us or at least Madelle.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Day 334: Laughter vs. Being There

What is more important in a friend: someone who makes you laugh, or someone who is always there for you?

Laughter is healing.  I so appreciate a good laugh, and I love laughing with my friends.  With that said, I think being there for friends is more important.  The laughs will still come.  I have been blessed to have some amazing friends who have helped me through my husbands deployment, his PTSD, my daughter’s mental illness, my father’s death, and other tough times.  They also make me laugh.  I am truly thankful for the people God has put in my life.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Day 333: Recycling

Do you recycle?  If so, what do you recycle?  If not, why not?

I take aluminum cans from my workplace to the local bin at the fairgrounds.  As for my home, I don’t recycle. I have never looked into recycling.  I have enough of a problem getting the regular trash taken out let alone figuring out where to take things in Montana.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Day 332: Piercings

Do you have any piercings?  Do you like them on other people?  Does it matter where they are?

I pierced my ears when I was twelve-years-old.  The lady who did the piercing was my mom’s Avon lady.  I don’t remember her name.  I have no more piercings.  I don’t mind ear piercings on women, but I don’t like them on men.  As for other piercings, I don’t like them at all.  Obviously, I am a bit old-fashioned.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Day 331: Medical Instruments

The second part of my trip to Bozeman entailed waking up at 3:10 in the morning.  By 3:30, I was on my way up to the hospital without any coffee.  I thought my trip was going to be a bit rough, but I had a great time.  I took a tour behind the scenes of the OR.

My middle child works at the hospital as a sterilization technician.  I don't know if that is the official title, but I say the name that way.  He showed me all the equipment and techniques of sterilizing the items needed in the operating room.  I loved seeing him in his scrubs and working.

I was amazed that behind the scenes, where patients aren't allowed to tread, the look of the hospital.  Everything looks like it is still back in the seventies.  The wall are colored a cream color and in great need of being painted.  The flooring is old linoleum in muted ugly squares of more creams.  I felt a chill and thought of all horror movies.

The tour took me back to my old medic days.  No, I didn't work in a hospital.  In fact, I really didn't do much as a medic except drive the ambulance, but we did do a lot of inventory.  Seeing all the clamps and scissors reminded me of my life so very long ago.  After he clocked out, he took me to my breakfast, his dinner.  The entire trip, though it lasted less then 24 hours was a huge success.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Day 330: Writing Retreat

First Session

3:37-4:37 = 60 Minutes

1,028 words

The trip down to Bozeman was uneventful.  The traffic clipped along just fine with only one truck on the two lane.   I saw two hawks along the way. I believe I did see Toni coming back from Wheat.  I waved.  The hotel is small and cozy.  I believe it is a tad bit old, but they have free good coffee downstairs and Wi-Fi.  I have a fridge and microwave.  All the amenities of home that I need.  I do wish I didn’t have a television, and I shouldn’t have brought my kindle where I could watch Amazon Prime.  Well, and all the other streaming shows.  I will have to refrain.  All the decor is Montana and Yellowstone themed.  I like is so far, but on to my first round of writing.  My first carrot is good coffee downstairs afterwards.

Second Session

6:03-6:55 = 52 minutes

1,172 words

The first session took a bit to get engaged with when I first started the scene.  Of course, I am not sure I like what I wrote, but I feel that way every single time I write.  However, as more words filled the page, the writing smoothed out to flow.  I am excited to have one thousand words.  I took a break, too long of a break.  I watched television, the bane of my existence.  But I am now back to the page for my next run at finishing this scene and starting another.

Third Session

8:02-8:56 = 54 minutes

1,056 words

The second session went much smoother then the first.  I wrote more words in less amount of time.  I always love when that takes place in my writing.  My dream is that happening every writing session, but I know that isn’t how the writing world works.  Yes, writing is fun.  I love the end result.  So many times though, the words linger outside my vision.  The struggle is real.  Of course, the struggle to actually sit in the chair is big as well.  However, I am determined to reach the three thousand words I set as a goal.  I will begin chapter six and see where it leads me.

The third session was tough.  The time was eight o'clock and bed always calls me at this time.  But I wrote the words.  I will look at them later today or tomorrow to see how they are to finish the scene.  All in all, a successful, short writing retreat.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Day 329: Mini Writing Retreat

Later today I am off on a mini writing retreat.  I am going to Bozeman.  The original reason for the break from home was to hang out with the middle child.  We will do that on Saturday, but I thought it would be a good idea to go a day early.  I keep saying I am going to go here or there to write and then I never go.  I have wanted to go to Big Fork, Seeley Lake, or really anywhere.  The thing is I feel it wastes money to write in a hotel room when I can do that for free at home.  So, when I plan to go somewhere for the day, I am starting to go a day early to get some work done.  My goal is three thousand words tonight.  Fingers crossed!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Day 328: Love Finds Victory

In the years before World War II, Tessa Petit leads a sheltered life.  Her mother monitors her activities, keeping her at home after school to do all the chores, never giving her a chance to meet people her age.  When her older sister moves out, she warns Tessa about her brother and to lock her door at night.  A growing sense of doom overshadows Tessa.  She worries about her future.  With no options, Tessa believes she will never build a life away from her family.  Sneaking behind her mother's back in self-preservation, Tessa dares to find people outside her family to help her.  She meets the dashing Thomas Johnsrud.  In this enduring romantic debut novel, love conquers obstacles and finds victory.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Day 327: Updates

Rheumatoid Arthritis:  The rain and constant clouds have been a challenge the last few days.  All I want to do is curl up on the couch with a blanket and read or watch "Downton Abbey."  Of course, this is normal for rainy fall days, but for me, I have no energy and I ache.  Fall is definitely not my favorite month.

Writing:  Hum, none happened yesterday.  All my energy went to running around town to the dentist, Good Samaritan, bank, and store.  By the time I got home with the daughter, I took a nap.  Yep, that is my day when the weather is bad.  I keep reminding myself it is okay to rest when I feel this way.  I hate it though.

Publishing:  Good news.  Love Finds Victory is live for purchase on the kindle and Amazon paperback books.  I am so relieved.  I have one being sent to Dean, so I am still in the Challenge.  Now, to get writing done on book 3.  Uff da!!!  I am worried because I don't do well in the fall, I have a four day retreat next weekend, and I go to Vegas at the end of October.  This next novel could be a little tricky.

Depression:  Nope, I am not depressed, but when I flare-up with a lot of pain, can't do my writing, and feel like a slug, depression hovers.  I think of how my life isn't the way I want it to be.  I could easily slip into the "woe is me" state of being.  I choose differently.  Instead, I list work even harder at my gratitude list.

Gratitude List for Tuesday:

Clancy cleaned my teeth.  She is the best.  I have a sensitive mouth and I never hurt when she takes care of me.

I woke up in the morning!!!  I always am so happy to wake up.  I know.  Everyone wakes up, but most people take it for granted.  I love mornings and I am so thankful to be alive!!!

I also woke up to coffee.  I love the timer on my Ninja coffeemaker.

I finally dropped off two deposits to the bank.  I have been putting this off for a while now.

I dropped a bag of old jeans off at the Good Samaritan.  I am so thankful to help others.

I chatted with Clay.  I am always happy to hear from him and know how well he is doing in school and work.

I chatted with my sister.  I am so excited she is headed to Europe.  I get to live vicariously through all her pictures.

"Downton Abbey" kept me entertained for two episodes.  I love to be able to travel to England and the 1920's.  What a beautiful time and place.

There were enough leftovers in the fridge that I didn't have to worry about making dinner!!!

I took a nap!  I struggle taking them.  Usually, I think of all the things I want to do and bounce back up.

Today is another gloomy, rainy day.  My legs ache.  My body hums with exhaustion and soreness.  I started my day by making biscuits.  I am determined to accomplish something, and I have.  I will also work on my next novel.  My character, Kirzantra Battaglia, is miserably in pain from deep loss.  I will tap into my physical pain to write her story.  I will have a great day.  I choose to have a great day!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Day 326: Snobbish

Is there anything you are ever a snob about?

Unfortunately, yes.  I am a snob about hard work.  To finish my degree, I went to Billings, leaving my husband and son in Wolf Point.  I worked three jobs and went to school fulltime while seeing my family every other weekend.  I sacrificed a ton to make a better life for all of us. I have no patience for people who don’t work hard and complain about their situation.  I am sure I come off as snobbish.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Day 325: Parenting Techniques

What do you think the biggest cultural differences are between your generation and your parents’ generation?

The way we raise our kids.  Growing up, a lot of us kids didn’t have the newest and latest gadgets and such.  I had to buy my own things or wait until Christmas if I was lucky.  By birthday was at the end of breakup, so that was a bit bleak.  We also didn’t travel.  I didn’t leave the state until I was a Senior in high school.

When it came to gadgets and phones, my kids didn’t get many, but their friends all have them no matter how much money their parents have.  One of my daughter's friends had her own cell phone, but they couldn't afford their electricity.  I am amazed by what my generation buys their kids.  I am cheep and won’t buy them the latest this or that.  They have to save their money like I did.

With that said, I have traveled with my kids.  In fourth and sixth grade, we took the boys to San Francisco for an NFL football game.  We took each of the boys on a Senior trip to Mexico.  And we took them to the Bahamas when my husband came home from Iraq.  Madelle has gone even more places because she is the youngest.

And don’t get me started on the “everyone needs an award crap.”  I hate that about my generation!!!  Children need to learn that there are losses in life.  Losing at baseball is not going to hurt them, but thinking the deserve a medal when they placed last creates all sorts of issues.  Mainly, a generation who believe they are entitled to things that they haven't earned.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Day 324: Frustrations of Publishing

I came into the writing room to do my pages and blog and ended up fixing my spine taking me 55 minutes.  I hate publishing!!!  I suck at it.  I do it once a year or now that I am doing the challenge, ever other month.  But that is not enough to be proficient.  Thus, I waste precious writing time I a task that only frustrates me.  I want to scream and throw a fit every single time.  And I do write notes.  I do an SOP, standard operating procedure.  I either don’t put in enough detail or the blasted people at Adobe decide it is great fun to change the program so that all my old resources are outdated.  Today, it took me forever to find where to change the width of my spine because the old YouTube video pointed to the old spot.  Gurr.

If that isn’t frustrating enough, Amazon take 24 hours to turn around with the review of said book.  So, the change I made today won’t be approved until tomorrow.  If I didn’t fix it right, I will have to take another bloody hour to make a change and wait another 24 hours to see if it finally worked.  I started this book process for the paperback on Thursday.  Do I feel like pulling my hair out?  YES!!!

So, between the publishing, RA flare-ups, and a church project, I wrote nine hundred words on my next book.  I was supposed to write 5,000.  I am getting behind more and more on the challenge.  This could drive me to drink.  Now this week, I have to write 9,100 words to get back to where I should be for the month.  I tell you what, this could drive a person to drink.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Day 323: Graphic Novels

There is a strong current trend among kids to read comic books or graphic novels instead of regular books.  What do you think about that?

I read Archie comic books for a couple years when I was young.  Sure, I read other books, but for the summer, that is all I read.  I loved them.  I also loved Calvin and Hobbes.  My kids have been big into graphic novels.  As a book lover, sure, I would like to see them reading more books along with the graphic novels, but I have no issue with the graphic novels.  They are reading.  And they are enjoying an art form.  Outstanding.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Day 322: Coupons

Do you use coupons?

Nope.  I used to use coupons when I had time to clip and organize, when I didn’t work fulltime.  I could now, but I don’t.  If I had to start penny pinching, I would.  But at this point, I put my time into other things.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Day 321: Neither Happiness Nor Success

What do you want more out of life: happiness or success?

Actually, I want gratitude over anything else.  I want to be grateful for all in my life: husband, home, family, friends, faith, and activities.  I believe if I am grateful, I will see the happiness and success in my life.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Day 320: Failing at Resting

I behaved badly over the weekend.  I didn't rest half as much as I should.  I also stood on my feet way to long.  Yesterday, I suffered for it.  My hips and legs hurt all day long.  My energy was close to nonexistent.  I took the day off.  I watched television and crocheted.  Of course, my husband always looks at me funny when I take a day off.

I hate the pain.  Obviously.  I want to be doing all sorts of things.  I want to travel.  I want to spend time with people.  So, even though I knew it was a bad idea, I agreed to meet my sister in Livingston on Monday after a quick trip to Libby and back Saturday and Sunday.  Yep, a glutton for punishment.  No wonder I was a mess yesterday, and I am not much better today.

So what does a day off look like?  I wrote the morning pages and blog.  I wrote a 3,000+ talk for a retreat.  I did dishes.  I made the bed.  I cleaned the litter box and took the garbage out.  I ran into town twice.  I crocheted.  I counted the offering at the church.  As I said, Jerry shook his head in wonder.  I don't take days off very well.  I should have done the two trips into town and that was it.  Oh well.

So, today, I am still achy and in pain more then normal.  Will I rest?  No.  I need to get a short and long synopsis written.  I need to edit the talk.  I need to write 2,000 words, or at least 1,000 for a win.  I need to read for my Bible study group tonight.  If all of this goes well, I will work on the rest of my cover.  Oh, I am also going to attempt a walk though the hips are not good.  The poor dog needs to get out.  The saying goes, there is no rest for the wicked.  Man, I must be super wicked.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Day 319: Snooping

Have you ever snooped in a friend or partner’s house?

Not that I can recall.  I do like to look at a person’s pictures in their home.  I like to see the family pictures and decorative pieces to see what they like to be surrounded by when they are relaxing, cooking, or sitting down to dinner.  I also love, love, love, looking at books that are around the living room or in bookcases.  But, snooping in drawers or cabinets or other rooms in the house, no!  That would make me feel like a peeping tom or something.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Day 318: Physical Aspect

What is your favorite physical aspect of your partner?  If you are single, describe something you like about a crush or your fantasy celebrity date.

Hum, I am not sure if it started out my favorite feature in the beginning.  I do know in the beginning he reminded me of Hollywood from "Top Gun."  However, after we had been married for a while, a coworker of mine made the comment that when he came to visit, he smiled at me like there was no one else in the room and no one else he would rather took at in the room.  Since she told me that, I have loved that smile and is my favorite physical aspect of my husband.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Day 317: First Meetings

Describe the day you met your best friend, from your friend’s point of view.

I went to the first soccer practice at Sierra Park.  This woman came over and introduced herself.  She talked and talked and talked.  I have never met anyone who just tells you whatever she is thinking.  I am not sure about her.  This might be a long season.


           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...