Friday, December 7, 2018

Day 53: Feeling Instead of Thinking

The comment I heard on Wednesday night stayed with me.  Thoughts about kids these days feel, they don’t think in the classroom intrigues me.  My first thought is the old gentleman spouting this is spot on. I think it isn’t just kids not thinking, I believe adults have lost their thinking as well. 

However, at some point in the last couple days, I realized that many times my thoughts get in the way.  I am constantly thinking about the interactions I have throughout the day. I think to to death, to the point of feeling like I have been wronged or I have wronged someone.  I believe I think too much.

I am going to use my sister as an example.  She called me to talk about a situation at work.  She was all riled up. I listened. I understood.  Then like I think most older sisters do, I tried to come back with some words of wisdom.  I thought I heard a little irritation in her voice. After the conversation, I thought about it.  And I thought about it some more. I was doing a lot of thinking. I didn’t hear from her for about three or four days which isn’t typical.  We talk at least every other day. Now, with all the thinking, my emotional state was becoming a little overactive. I could have become way to emotional and acted upon that emotion.

Instead of thinking, because I believe we think all the time, I believe the term should be reasoning or logical reasoning.  Through all the thoughts I was having about the conversation, I reminded myself that my sister is an extremely busy woman. She works fulltime with three kids.  I remember those days. I reasoned in her hectic life, she didn’t realize how much time had passed. As suspected, when I called her later, she had just been thinking it had been awhile since we talked.

Now, instead of silly girl stuff, I will use the example of the Southern border issues the United States has been dealing with in the last years.  We all need to do some logical reasoning. I have listened to pros and cons on both sides. Part of my heart goes out to families who want to make a better future for their children.  Geez, not so long ago, my Norwegian ancestors did just hat by coming to the United States not to mention my Colonial ancestors. I believe in immigration.

With that said, bad people are trying to come into our country under the false pretences of immigration.  They want to bring drugs into our country. They want to bring destruction to our country. We need to logically reason whether the individual immigrant is here for the right reasons.  Not all immigrants are good people. Also, we have to think of the logical issues of financing these people. And a ton of other things to consider when taking people into our country.

Frankly, I have no answers.  I am torn on the issue. I am trying to logically reason what the answers might be to the debates.  And at the end of the day, I believe we need to come together, pushing the emotions aside. We need to logically reason and have a respectful dialog on how to progress.  Unfortunately, people are letting their emotions run wild and instead of being respectful they are yelling. They are doing all they can to make the other side look like morons or monsters.  We need to stop letting our emotions runaway with themselves and take away our ability to reason.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...