Saturday, August 10, 2019

Day 295: Euthanasia

What are your thoughts about euthanasia?

On the eve of my father's death and so close to my uncle's death, the topic of euthanasia takes my breath away.  My sister, a dear friend, and I sat with my dad the last hour of his life.  He slept and simply stopped breathing.  I felt blessed to be with him through the end.  He didn't fight death and he was in no pain.  I had a good experience.  At this point in my life, I could never participate in euthanasia.  I don’t believe in the practice.

However, I have a family member who does believe in it because he saw a loved one suffer.  I understand why he believes, but I don’t agree.  I do believe in stopping treatment and keeping a person comfortable their last days.  The topic is tough.  And I would never judge a person on the moral grounds of euthanasia, my pay grade is not high enough.  That is God's job.  As for the law, I just hope I am never put in the position.

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