Friday, August 2, 2019

Day 287: Hard Facts

What are some of the hard facts about life?

I am in a cynical mood this morning, so read at your own risk!

1.         Suffering is inevitable.  I can’t stop my family members from suffering.  I can't stop my own suffering.  In the past fifteen years, my little family has suffered war, death, mental illness, verbal abuse, isolation, estrangement, and disease.  I couldn't stop any of it.  Prayer and perseverance have been our mainstay.

2.         I am responsible for my joy in life.  Everyone else is responsible for their own.  In my darkest hours, I look for the beauty in nature which brings me joy.  I delve into my writing for joy.  Happiness comes and goes, but my joy remains when I keep my faith first and household second.

3.         Life is hard work, no amount of complaining is going to make it easier.  Getting my college degree took eight years of sacrifice, hard work, and stubbornness.  Yes, I am retired early.  Yes, I still have one job scrubbing a toilet.  No work is beneath me.  I would go back to work more in pain from my RA if we had a financial emergency.  No one owes me anything.

5.         If you want something, don’t whine, go to work.  Participation awards are the bane of our existence.  Most days, I go to my desk and write.  I get no award.  With the five books I have written, I haven't even cleared $1,00.00.  I get little to no money.  I want a writing career.  At the moment, I have a writing hobby.  Do I whine?  In all honesty, I am sure I do grumble.  But then I get back to work.  I think of quitting.  At some point, I might.  But until then, I keep at the work.  I still have a lot to write with all the stories in my head.  Someday, I might get the career.

6.         There are consequences for breaking the law, get over it.  I am going to end here.  I think my venting is over for the day.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...