Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Day 264: Hair Issues

Earlier this week, I talked about my worst haircut due to the military.  The story reminded me of another time my hair caused me issues.  While my husband served in Iraq for a year, I let my long hair grow.  For a year and a half, I didn’t cut my hair.  The half a year was for the time he spent in Texas and Louisiana training for Iraq.  Needless to say, my hair was very long.  The bun I put it up for work in the uniform was huge.  As a desk worker, the bun was not an issue.  However, the spring after he came back, I went to the range.  This was another five months of hair growth.

On went the Kevlar helmet for the range.  Now, I love shooting.  What I hate is shooting for a test.  I get so nervous.  Inevitably, I struggle qualifying.  This range day was even worse.  The bun kept forcing the helmet forward, so I couldn’t see the targets.  I was constantly pushing the helmet back into place.  I failed the first round due to the hair.  Well, and the anxiety.  I readjusted the bun to be at the nap of my neck, as far down as possible, but alas, it was still too big.  The helmet still pushed forward.  Failure number two.  I was pissed.

On the middle of the range, I was sputtering and saying a few choice words.  The helmet came off after the range was cleared.  I yelled out.  “I am taking me hair out, and it is going to hang loose.  If that offends someone, give me something to cut it off with to make it regulation.”  Yep, I would have had my second choppy haircut.  I was determined to qualify.

“There will be no cutting hair on my range today,” the range control sergeant yelled back.  Dang, I can see his face, but I can’t remember his name.  I believe it was one of the guys from the warehouse that I would run into at work.  Nice guy.  Boy, did he laugh at me.  I took out the bun and put it in a long braid so the wind wouldn’t fling it in my face.  I grabbed more ammo and preceded to qualify the next round.

Moral of the story, hair can cause difficulties in the military.

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