Saturday, July 6, 2019

Day 260: A Truth

What do you know is true?

Pain depletes a person’s energy.  For three straight days, my rheumatoid arthritis flared leaving me in quite a bit of pain.  I limped when I walked.  My sleep was disturbed more then usual.  For two days, I ignored the pain as much as possible, working on the publishing and gardening.  Day three, I did succeeded at a walk, physical therapy, and shopping at the grocery store.  However, I also took a two hour nap.  Thank goodness the storm came in and the pain left.

The rest of the week, I have been feeling like a slug.  I slither around from task to task with no oomph.  My writing has been about non existent.  Granted, I love the lazy days of summer, and I am truly being partially lazy, but I am really exhausted as well.  I have managed to get out in the yard for a bit, but come inside and crash.  The week ends today.  I have failed at writing my 5,000 words and editing all six scenes.  Part of me thinks I should panic.  They other part of me just says to buck up.  Do what I can today and then double everything I don't get done for next week.  Yep, energy or not, I have work to do.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...