Thursday, February 14, 2019

Day 122: Head Cold

Describe (in a creative way) how you feel when you have a head cold.

Well, isn’t this good timing.  I have gone from the flu to a congested head with a cough.  I think this applies to me at the moment. Awe, but now to be creative while I am hacking and feeling….

This morning, I have tried to jump start my day by going to the writing room to write.  I wore out quicker then the last two loops of trimmer line. I laid down but grew restless, like the leaves in the wind.  The dishes needed done. I succeeded. Back to laying down. That is when I picked up a garden magazine I bought when we were in Billings.  The articles are about English gardens, my favorite.

The article I read fascinated me.  One garden focuses solely on snowdrops.  I never new there were so many varieties and more are discovered all the time.  This made me think of viruses and all their many forms. I would rather the snowdrops.  As I continued to read, I continued to cough, much like me in the spring hacking away at limbs that need trimmed.  

In the background, I heard a muffled tinny sound, like a car door closing.  The time was too early for Jerry to be home from lunch. I strained to hear when I realized I must be hearing the dump truck collecting garbage.  Usually, I hear it just fine. Now, I feel like I have peat moss stuck deep in my ears.

At the end of the article, I learned one snowdrop bulb could be sold for around 1295 pounds.  A year or two ago, one bulb was even stolen. Who knew the gardening world lives on the edge?  So, sick or not, I am learning fun facts that I may be able to put into a story someday.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...