Saturday, February 9, 2019

Day 117: Filipino Thanksgiving

What special traditions or holiday celebrations does your family observe?

Like most families, we celebrate the big ones: Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve.  We also celebrate birthdays and anniversaries.  I try to throw in a couple of Norwegian traditions into some of them by making lefse, poticlub, and rommegrot.  Other then that we are pretty typical Americans.

We do have one celebration that many people don’t.  I call this celebration the Filipino Thanksgiving (giving thanks for family).  When we go to my sister-in-law's house, she always spoils us with lumpia, pansit, and monkey meat.  The occasion?  Family.  In addition, we do get to celebrate this in the town we live.  My husband’s best friend/military buddy/cousin/brother is half Filipino.  He is like a brother to me as well, and we consider his children our other nieces and nephew.  He invites us to his family gatherings when his mom comes to town and she brings lumpia and pansit.  Etchie does his version of monkey meat.  (No, the meat is not monkey, but regular beef, pork, or chicken that is barbecued.)

Two weekends ago, we had a special celebration.  We celebrated my father-in-law's life.  Downtown Billings and the Double Tree saw the Richard family eating together, laughing together, playing whist, playing Cribbage, and conversing for two straight days.  We plan an even bigger celebration in the summer by carrying on the tradition my FIL started years ago, a big community barbecue and pot luck.

Celebrations are the stuff of life.

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