Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Day 99: Too Long

What takes too long?

Dinner when I am hungry.  Getting to a restroom on a trip after drinking too much coffee.  Flights over the Atlantic. A novel being read by the first reader and editor.  Waiting for the birth of a baby. Medicine to kick in so the pain stops. Really, there are a lot of things that take to long.  I don't always have the most patience. 

Getting to a restroom on a trip after drinking too much coffee is the activity that plagues me the most.  My poor family. If we go on a trip that starts in the morning, I have to stop within the first thirty minutes or so.  I would say this is old age, but it is all the coffee. Sure, I should just not drink the blasted evil brew. However, if I didn't drink coffee, my family would then leave me home.  I get grumpy without the stuff.

Last month, we drove to Bozeman for a graduation party.  We were running a little late for the event because of an unexpected errand at the last minute.  We drove to Townsend, but I was sure I could make it the hour and twenty minutes to our destination.  Fifteen miles later, I regretted the decision. Yes, we stopped at Wheat so I could save my poor bladder.  Thank goodness for truck stops and rest stops.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...