Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving Artist Date

Tiny snowflakes swirl around in the wind outside the window as the instrumental music of a movie soundtrack plays in the background.  The warmth of the house surrounds the inhabitants as they go about their day, lounging during their time off from school.  The smell of freshly baked cheesecake for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving feast wafts through the rooms.  Cold air breezes in as the door opens for the little beagle that barks at the door to be let inside the home.  The mood in the house tips from contented mom to discontented teenage daughter.  Many people who claim to be older and wiser spew advice to enjoy the young while they live at home.  Memories forget the negative, so wisdom is jaded.  Still, the attitude will pass on to the daughter someday when she is the mother of a teenage daughter.  And the snow will continue to fall.

My artist date for the week was to do some baking for the feast.  I am amazed that it has been over a year since I last baked a pie.  This last year has been crazy.  I didn't bake a pie for Thanksgiving because we went to a friend's for dinner.  At Christmas, I made sticky toffee pudding.  Poor Jerry didn't get a pie for his birthday because he was in Miles City and I was in Hawaii.  I could have made it before or after, but we were so busy doing barbecue and book selling.  Yep, that is how crazy our year has been.  No pie.

As I worked on the crust, I realized how rusty I am.  Sure, I have been rolling out biscuits weekly for breakfast, but that is a nice fluffy dough.  I am going to have to make more little pies I guess so I can get my skill back.  Jerry will be happy about that idea.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...