Saturday, January 14, 2023



My mood has been precarious.  First, I am excited and dreaming about the upcoming gardening season.  Then, I am determined to be a good housewife and run around getting chores done.  Finally, I turn so grumpy, and woe is me.  So, what is the issue?  Could it be menopause?  I just realized that I haven’t had a hot flash in a long time.  I also haven’t been taking Estroven for a long time.  I can’t say it is that.  I can say that not being able to hear is driving me nuts.  (I have a double ear infection.)  I should put that a different way.  I can hear ringing and a low hum that fills my head.  The droning on is driving me nuts.

I can’t talk to people unless they talk loudly.  My poor daughter is so annoyed with me.  Like I told my husband, she could never work with the old, hearing impaired.  Yesterday, I had my son sit with me while I called the doctor to see what else I could do besides the meds.  The first call went well when I told the receptionist that I couldn’t hear well.  She spoke up.  The return call would have been a nightmare without Clay.  This new woman didn’t speak up when I told her I couldn’t hear.  He listened to her go on and on until she had a question.  If he knew the answer, he gave it, but if he didn’t, he repeated it so I could answer.  Ugh.  Today, I stopped in the drugstore quickly to get Afrin since the grocery store didn’t have it.  I had Jerry stay in the truck.  It was an in and out thing.  No problem.  Wrong!  The cashier started chatting.  I told her I couldn’t hear very well and didn’t know what she said.  Took her by surprise.  She probably thought I was contagious.  Nope.  I haven’t been contagious for two days.  In fact, I feel really good.  I just can’t hear a bloody thing!

I didn’t leave the house for three days.  Granted, two of those days, I felt crummy.  I also felt so very sad.  I was supposed to do music for a four day retreat this weekend.  I do this retreat every year, but I have never been a part of the music.  I was sooooo excited.  Yesterday, I thought of ways I might be able to help.  How do you help when you can’t hear?  Sure, I could have maybe helped in a “quiet” way, but I am still coughing.  I really don’t want to make people uncomfortable with that.  So, I have prayed for everyone working and attending the retreat.  

I have to say, I am going a little batty not being able to hear music, people, and reading dialog on the television.  Gurr!!!  So, what is a good Christian to do when she is woe is me?  You see, the woe is me attitude leads down the rabbit hole of  why did God let me have all these health issues.  I have fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.  Frankly, I think I handle these two problems quite well.  Just two things are simple.  I have been battling nasal issues for three years.  My smell is hit and miss, mainly miss.  I am constantly calling or seeing a doctor to get more antibiotics.  (This whole mess is due to me being stupid and staying with an incompetent doctor.)  In fact, I am facing a third surgery this spring, different doctor in a different town!  Now, He (God) had to add my ears?  If my mood continues on this line, I list off all the terrible things that have happened in the last…, well, let's just say a long time.

Yep, I do the obvious.  I pray.  I read about faith.  So many times, God chats with me through my study with a verse from the Bible that strikes a chord, or words of wisdom from a saint or contemporary writer.  I always feel blessed when God helps me in this way.  Sometimes, I grumble at God.  I know, not nice.  So, I will kick myself on the backside and get up to do some chores, thanking God that I can walk.  Doing chores also helps.  There is nothing like accomplishing a task when you feel terrible, both physically and mentally.  When I hadn’t found the right meds for the RA, I would be so joyful when I only made the bed during a bad day.

Many times, I listen to music to cheer me up.  Music can lift my spirits so quickly.  But that is out of the question at the moment.  For some reason, quilting isn’t helping.  I think I am rather burnt out from the last couple of years.  Gardening also does wonders for my mood.  Hum, the snow is kind of messing with this coping devise.  Ha, ha.  I am doing the next best thing.

Two of my neighbors have chickens.  I also have friends outside of the neighborhood who raise them for fresh eggs.  We have been playing around with the idea of adding that to our life.  Well, yesterday, I went out on my kindle and found a book about raising chickens.  As I pursued the selection, these books about homesteading kept popping up.  Hum, I will talk more about this topic later.  I have decided, after checking out chicken coops at our local farming store, that we are definitely getting baby chicks this spring.  I am so excited.  Definitely helping with my moodiness.  I wonder who the patron saint of chickens might be.  Probably Saint Francis of Assisi.

Have a blessed day.  And if you would like, I would take prays passed my way for my ears!!!

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...