Monday, February 3, 2020

Joy to the World

"If the Lord is our joy, our joy cannot be taken away.  It cannot be lost." Scott Hahn, Joy to the World, pg. 155.

The quote jumped out at me over the weekend as I finished my reading for this weeks study group.  I loved the quote and the entire chapter that was devoted to joy.  My days are filled with an abundance of joy.  God has given me so much.  I have wonderful friends and family.  I have the best husband for me.  My faith is strong.

Now, I do have challenges.  I am in pain a good amount of time.  Normally, I ignore the aches and pains from my autoimmune diseases.  My hip is bone on bone.  Ouch.  But I get a new one next month which will be amazing.  With these challenges, I might have a down day now and then, but being retired, I know how fortunate I am.  I can rest and all is well.

But lets face it, life is tough.  Today, I am struggling.  Not from the pain or fatigue, but from the struggles of some of my family.  My daughter is not doing well with the negativity she is feeling at school.  I am worried about her.  I have a family member in the hospital that concerns me.  These are some big stressors that I have no control over.  I could let myself slip into despair; yet, I find myself staying joyful through a little work.

I stay strong in the Lord.  Today, I have prayed to surrender my pain both physically and emotionally.  I give thanks for what is in my life.  One, I woke up.  Two, the sun is shining.  Three, I spent time with three delightful ladies at the church this morning.  I keep myself busy with tasks to fill my day like writing.  I will do a little housework.  I will watch for the birds who eat outside my window. I will look at beautiful flower photos.  These are the things God has given me to keep the joy in my life.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...