Sunday, March 1, 2020


In January, I added to my to do list by increasing my fiction words by 10,000.  I did this so I could be ahead of schedule for my surgery in March.  In February, my goal was to write the normal 20,000.  This way I would finish up my next challenge book and have a good start on the last challenge book.  I made the 30,000 words.  February was a huge struggle.  I think I broke myself.

A few weeks ago, I hurt almost twice as much as normal.  My energy depleted.  I rode the wave like I always do, but something felt different.  I felt burnt out.  Now, I felt this way in December.  When we got home from our trip, I did feel better; however, I felt a little shaky in the writing department.  Like just getting over a sickness and still weak.  I tried not to panic.  I rested all week.

Even with a week, I knew the rest wasn’t enough.  I needed to change something and quick.  I talked with Clay, Madelle, and Jerry.  I talked to myself.  I googled writer’s burnout.  I know it isn’t writer’s block.  Unfortunately, I was doing everything that they say to do.  I kept looking.  Finally, I read an article that got me to thinking.  My spreadsheet at the moment is killing my writing.  All the things on my to do list while in pain just isn’t possible for the time being.  Also, I hate my writing room.  It feels like a prison.

One Saturday I stayed out of the room and away from my computer.  I goofed around on my laptop.  Jerry asked for 500 words.  I wrote 1,000 and the morning pages.  I opened my laptop intending 500 words only for the next few days.

Then, I started to feel a little stronger.  I thought maybe I was on the other side. I went into the room and started my computer.  Instant stress.  Wow, I was still broken.  I uploaded my new words and closed out of my writing files.  I paid my bills and turned off the computer.  Later, I went to my laptop and wrote 1,000 words.

From here until the end of March, I am officially on a new schedule.  My February to do list consisted of 5,000 words, editing 28 chapters, creating a book cover, loading it to Amazon, and sending it to Dean.  That was it.  Nothing more.

March, all I have on the list is to write 20,000.  Nothing else.  If I feel inspired, I will do a blog post.  But really, that is going to be it.  I just can’t do all the minutes, editing book 5 of the Tenet series, three blog posts a week, and on and on.  The novel challenge is the only thing on my list.

Writing this, I wonder if it is still a lot.  I am not sure. Time will tell.  But alas, I hope to be back in April, rested and no longer burnt out.  I will try to let you all know how the surgery went on Facebook.  Oh, and I would really appreciate prayers for the next couple of months.  I am nervous but also excited. Until then, blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, there are no pressures greater in this world than the ones we put on ourselves. At the end of the day, we still have ourselves to answer to, and ultimately our God. I truly believe there are times when God uses his loving power to slow us down for our own good, whether it is spiritual or physical. It sounds like you're willing to modify your challenges to see how you feel with each upcoming day. You're good, you're normal and yet still just amazing. We will all be waiting while you get your feet under yourself wholly again. Take care!



           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...