Friday, June 5, 2020

Crazy Busy

Obviously, 2020 will not be a stellar year for blog posts.  Since my trip to the north country the first weekend in May, I have been up there two more times.  I am exhausted.  I would love to say that I will only be up there once more, but I have a sneaking suspicion I will be going up a few more times.  My one year old pickup will be getting in a few miles.

I have been thinking of blogging since my last post on May 6th.  I have thought of topics like how my life has been affected by the Corona virus.  At the moment, the virus seems to be old news.  I need to write about the writing challenge.  I want to post a picture of all my books and talk about what I learned from the year.  Right now, writing fiction or about the process seems a million miles away.  Over the weekend, the country irrupted.  I have only heard bits and pieces of all of this news because I was too busy dealing with the death of my mother.  I have also been cleaning out her house.  She was a hoarder, not television worthy, but a hoarder just the same.

In the end, I have much I could talk about with my mom.  The human interest angle is huge.  However, my voice is a little lost at the moment.  I felt my muse was gone the entire month of May.  My dear husband said I hadn’t lost her.  That might be, but she has gone underground.  I have so much to say.  None of the words have processed with my emotions though so I worry about writing gibberish.  Of course, I am probably writing gibberish now.

Where will I go from here?  I am taking the summer off of writing fiction.  My sister and I have to bury our mother, clean out the house, fix the house to code, and try to sell the house.  This will take time and me being in Libby throughout the summer.  I will take my laptop, but I think I will write either blog posts or the start of a new memoir.  Yes, I already have one partially written.  I am not sure if I want to publish any of this writing, but I do need it to process my life at the moment.  

When I am in Helena, I want to be working on projects outside.  I have a yard that has a lot of issues that need fixed.  We get bricks in the next day or two that will become a retaining wall.  I have waited for this for years.  A new deck is going to be put on the back of the house.  The old one is in shambles.  I have weeding, planting, and painting to do.  I also have a few fun projects.  Of course, all of this will be centered around the hip.  I can’t work for very long and the recovery pain comes back.  I am not good at the healing process when I don’t follow doctor’s orders.  Opps.  I will do what I can and hope for the best.

Once a week, I want to return to my normally scheduled writing time at The Scenic Brew.  I am here now as I write this post.  I am happy to report the staff are not wearing masks.  Only one customer wore one in the last hour and fifteen minutes.  I don’t have any issues with people wearing them if they don't feel safe.  I just don’t want to wear one.  I hate seeing people have to wear them if they don’t want to, like employees.  For the last little while sitting here writing, I have felt like 2020 does have a little resemblance to my regularly scheduled life.

I hope this post finds all of you healthy and happy.  Blessings to you all.

Missouri Headwaters - I miss hiking and fishing.  I hope to start that up again in July.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...