Friday, October 11, 2019

Day 357: #Ilovemyhusbandandfootball

For the first time in a number of years, I joined a fantasy football league.  Really, I was tricked into it by my husband and a buddy of ours.  One of the players, couldn't make it to pick his team, or so they said.  I picked the team and fell in love with it.  They said the guy didn't mind if I took the team.  I don't think the guy exists.  Okay, they said it was Larry.  Larry does exist, but I am not convinced Larry really agreed to play.

I also listened to my husband talk about how defenses aren't all that important.  I waited and pulled a mediocre defense.  I picked more running backs and wide receivers.  What happens week one?  My opponent's defense scores 27 points!!!  I lost by 2.  Oh, defenses aren't important!  Whatever.  My husband's defense gave him 37 points in week 2 and 25 points in week 4.  Are you kidding me?

Last night, we sat down to watch a nice game of football: Patriots verses the Giants.  Jerry and I cheering for opposite teams because we are battling our fantasy teams against each other this week.  His blasted defense scores the first touchdown of the game.  Again, are you kidding me?  Oh, defenses don't matter.  I couldn't keep quiet any longer.  I needed to the world to know.  This man, sitting next to me on the couch, whom everyone thinks is such a good guy, simply isn't.  How could I have married him?

Lisa:  I hate my husband!  #fantasyfootballgonewrong

Jerry:  #NotStayingAtMyMomsHouse

            He laughs.  So, not funny.

Lisa:  #thedoghouseisempty

            I laugh envisioning him sticking his head out of the little red house on the back porch.

kt:  Lisa everyone hates your husband on the league.

Lisa:  Yes!!!

            Finally, someone believes me.

Jerry:  I'm just misunderstood

            I roll my eyes.

Jerry:  #packingbagsfordoghouse

Lisa:  #damnright!!!

Oh, my word.  We laughed so hard during all of this.  I am amazed we didn't fall off the couch or pee our pants.  This guy is so much fun.  I love that we can spend all night talking trash on the couch watching our favorite sport.

A few years ago my father in law's wife said something about football being a terrible time waste.  She thinks that people should do other things to have a good relationship.  I so disagree.  (But then, she thinks it is okay to watch golf.  Seriously?  How boring.  That sport needs to add some tackling before I watch that on television.)  We have a blast watching football and have a ton of great memories. 

In fact, we are going to make some more memories with the pigskin.  After the game, we bought tickets for a game in December for our Christmas present to each other.  We aren't even watching one of our teams.  Houston verses Tennessee, baby!!!  I get to mark off another stadium from my retirement goal of going to a game in every one.  I will have 28 more to go.



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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...