Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Day 313: Writing and More Writing

This morning I opted to get straight to the editing before working on my blog and morning pages.  The day had a potential to get away from me.  I was determined to get the novel finished.  At about 6:15 am, I started with a scene.  I worried.  I had time issues, name issues, and detail issues.  The editing slowed considerably.  Oh, no.

Since I did so well the day before, another ten scenes, I took a deep breath and managed to get three scenes done before taking Madelle into town for a meeting and a hair appointment. Being a disjointed couple of hours, I opted to let the novel rest while I worked on a talk for a retreat that I have to give in a few short weeks.  I was correct.  I was interrupted the whole hour I tried to work while at Starbucks.  I actually wrote a page of my talk, very rough, while at the hair appointment.  Once home, I hit the last two scenes.  Yes, I made it.  I am still on time with my deadline.  The novel is finished!!!  Well, with the writing part.

Of course, I almost forgot my blog post.  I was so happy to take a break that the rest of my work slipped my mind.  I was just watching an episode of Alone when I realized I almost forgot the blog entirely.  That would have been tragic.  But here I am, getting er done!

On my calendar for tomorrow, I have formatting, design the cover, and send this much to Dean electronically.  This is a must.  I also want to be able to load my cover and book onto Amazon.  If I can get that done, I am golden until next week when I check the status of how it all loaded.  Of course, I have never loaded to Amazon without some mistake that kicks it out.  The good news is that I have a week to work out any kinks.  Then I send the hard copy book to Dean.

What will I do Friday for work?  Start my next book, of course.  I will keep you posted.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...