What are your thoughts about euthanasia?
On the eve of my father's death and so close to
my uncle's death, the topic of euthanasia takes my breath away. My sister, a dear friend, and I sat with my
dad the last hour of his life. He slept
and simply stopped breathing. I felt
blessed to be with him through the end.
He didn't fight death and he was in no pain. I had a good experience. At this point in my life, I could never
participate in euthanasia. I don’t
believe in the practice.
However, I have a family member who does believe
in it because he saw a loved one suffer. I understand why he believes, but I don’t
agree. I do believe in stopping
treatment and keeping a person comfortable their last days. The topic is tough. And I would never judge a person on the moral
grounds of euthanasia, my pay grade is not high enough. That is God's job. As for the law, I just hope I am never put in
the position.
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