Write about a messy area in your home,
workplace, or life.
Oh, my word, there are so many messy places in
my life. We have lived in our house for
over 18 years. With three kids, every area is filled. Granted, most of Clay and Michel’s things are
gone. This summer I hope to go through
the garage and box things up. Clay isn’t
established yet, so I will have to keep his things. And I might have one box of
Michel’s. I also have to keep Madelle’s
for quite a few more years.
With all of that said, the last few months, I
have been looking around the house at all the clutter. I began going through the main rooms. I am happy to say that the living room is
pretty good. I could go through one
cupboard again, but I will let it rest for another six months or so. I have a cabinet to go through in the dining
room/second living room, but this room is also good. Yay. I do have to hit the kitchen and all the
closets in the house. Ugh!!! Oh, and the garage is a disaster!!!
The other messy area is my yard. Since the summer of 2016, I have struggled in
this area (not that I was perfect before 2016). With the passing of my dad and my health
giving me fits, I haven’t accomplished a lot. I need to get a handle on the vegetable
garden, quite expanding flower gardens, and keep up with the north 40. What I need the most is a riding lawn mower. I am hopefully going to work on that this
spring. We will see.
These are most of the messy areas I have to cope
with this coming year. The house is
about 40% better since Christmas. Now to
finish it and start on the garage when it warms up. Yep, this will be a busy year!
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