Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Day 107: Late

What is the best excuse for being late that you have ever heard or used?

Wow, I honestly don’t remember.  I know growing up we were often late.  My mother was always behind time.  It drove me crazy!  I hated being late with a passion.  Once, she sewed a dress or skirt for the 8th grade graduation for me.  I was either in 6th or 7th grade and needed to be there early to get ready to play my instrument in the band for the procession.  As the clock kept ticking, she was still sewing.  Finally she handed me the item, I quickly dressed, and Dad drove me to the high school gym.  As we were walking up to the doors, the music of the band floated out the open doors.  I turned to Dad and told him to take me home.  I was not going to walk in that late for the performance.  From that day forward, I did all in my power to get myself to the places I needed to go without relying on Mom.  I would wear old clothes just to arrive on time.

Now as an adult, I am usually obnoxiously early.  There are times I waste gas driving around until the best time to show up.  I know I have been late for things, but that is because I am at a different function and I have planned to be late.  I actually drive my daughter nuts about being early.  My husband is the same as me, so she gets a double whammy.  I will say, our middle child laughs because he is just as bad.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...