Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year and Decade

Wow, coming off of a seven day vacation of no writing whatsoever and traveling to Texas, I am exhausted.  Even with my bad hip, I was able to run around Galveston and Houston exploring all sorts of things and wishing I could explore more.  I will share the trip later this week and into the month.  Needless to say, I am struggling with writing this first day of the decade.

I just finished reading last year's first post of the year.  Wow, I failed in a lot of my goals.  I succeeded in other areas.  And then, the train derailed and I went to places I never expected in my writing.  I published three shorter books and have two more books ready to edit and publish.  I wrote a quarter of a million fiction words.  Outstanding.

So, what are my goals for 2020 and the decade?  I have to be honest.  I can't see past the hip surgery that is looming in the distance in March.  I still have two novels to write and publish by the fifth of May.  With the rehab and such to go with the writing, I can't even comprehend what I will be doing in April let alone later in the year.  Besides, I am still feeling a bit burned out from last year's pace.

Of course, I have written down goals, but they are vague.  For the next four months, I need to write 80,000 words for the challenge.  That is the only "must do" or should I say goal I am going to work on in haste.  Everything else will come in time.  Sure, I will do artist dates, dream of gardening, try to clean house, and write fiction, but I am going to let it be more of a spontaneous, low key event.

I will say that each year I have a word or idea I meditate on throughout the year.  Last year, I worked with joy.  I hate to give the word up because my mindset has been so upbeat and positive.  With my hip, I have decided to work with the word health.  Again, the idea is vague.  I want to be walking again which I hope to do with Leo and without pain starting as soon as the doctor says I can.  I want to hike.  I want to walk the parks in the area and in other places too.  I miss walking daily.

As the wind blows over the yellow sleeping lawn outside my writing window towards the lawns of my neighbors, I feel my thoughts skimming over the tops.  My head feels fuzzy.  I think I need another nap.  Goodness.  I hope the fuzzy head isn't a sign of what my coming year will look like.  Oh my.  Happy 2020!!!

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...