Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Medical Update

My medical procedure went well on Friday, though I will admit it hurt like hell.  My new doctor decided instead of putting steroids into my bad hip he would put them in the bursa on both hips.  This entailed him pressing hard on my hips.  On the right side, I wanted to go through the roof it hurt so bad.  After he found the spot that hurt the most, the nurse put a freezing agent on the area.  He put the needle in down to the bone.  Ouch.  Both sides hurt for completely different reasons.  I told him I disliked him more then the dentist.  He laughed.  I really wasn't being joking.

I felt silly having Jerry drive me.  The last procedure that Toni took me too I was perfectly fine.  Well, I am glad I asked him to come with me.  I felt horrible afterwards.  I could have driven, but it wouldn't have been safe.  I wanted to be sick and my legs were numb.  I leaned on him the entire way to the pickup.  I crashed for the rest of the day.  On Saturday, I started exercising to start working on my messed up muscles.  Probably not the best idea.  Wow, I hurt like crazy that night at Mass.

Since then, I continue to feel less pain.  My glute on the right side has stopped hurting.  Oh, I can lay down in my bed all night without my entire right side burning.  Yay!!!  I still haven't slept a full night.  My body is programmed to wake up at least once.  Hopefully it reprograms soon.  The hip pain is becoming less.  I am driving without pain.  Thank goodness.  I am walking almost pain free.  I am very happy with everything at this point.  I still have the sharp pain.  Strangely enough, it is moving to a different spot.  I hope that just moves away soon.

In the next few weeks, I will be getting a second MRI to see if there is damage from the last year of all the issues.  I also have a doctor's appointment with an orthopedic PA next month.  I am going to keep the appointment just to double check everything.  With my issues, having a relationship with this type of doctor will be good for the future.

I do worry.  Last time, the relief only lasted a month.  I hope that since we hit the other spot it will work for a couple of years.  The days ahead will tell.  For the time being, I am relieved and enjoying the decline in hurting when I move.  I am surrendering the rest to God as much as possible.  Thank you all for the prayers!!!

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