Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Hijacking Part 1

Every so often, I find I am unable to help myself with people's rhetoric on social media.  I step in even when I know the conversation is going to explode.  Yesterday, there was an explosion.  My baby sister posted a funny meme that holds truth to some people, to others, not so much, but still just funny.  The picture was of some football players kneeling in protest while a uniformed man stood in the background saluting.  The caption, "and this my friends is how you separate the men from the spoiled little boys."

A person commented, "This post demonstrates your lack of understanding about why athletes take a knee."  This was just too much for me.  Don't be messing with my sister, for one.  Two, really?  "your lack of understanding"?  Playing word games with that type of negativity drives me nuts.  Three, don't be messing with the National Anthem.  Four, don't be messing with my soldiers.  I couldn't help myself.  Five, did I mention this was my baby sister?  She understands plenty.  In fact, she held her own against him.  Her point was of being proud to be an American.

What did I respond, before she held her own?  Here it is.

"This post demonstrates your love of country and for your sister (that would be me), brother-in-law (that would be my husband), cousin-in-law, grandfather, and all of the family and friends I could continue to list off who have sacrificed with their service in the military.  Thank you, Sister!!!  I love my country.  I love football.  I don't believe taking a knee at a football game is the proper venue.  However, I gave 20 years of my life for their "right" to demonstrate.  As a wife, I have given 30+ years.  We have a right for our demonstration as well!!!"

The person asked me a question, "Would you prefer that people protesting the excessive use of police brutality against minorities (especially against African American) in a quieter, more polite fashion?"

My response?  "I would prefer for people to quit high jacking posts, causing more hate and discontent."  I mean really...Facebook is full of offensive things.  Keep scrolling.  Belittling people isn't going to make a post better.  And negativity sure isn't going to change anyone's minds.

Another person talked about the players who knelt were using a venue that was safe where no riots would take place like they do at marches.  Wow, now there is a valid point that was done with respect, not by talking down to anyone.  Tasteful.

Now, I agree police brutality is a bad thing.  I just don't agree that kneeling at an event, that should bring us together, is the right place for the demonstration.  That doesn't make me racist nor a bigot.  I am also not those two things because I disagree with someone.  My belief is that during the National Anthem, we stand together as one.  We don't have to agree, but a little respect would go a long way.

Granted, calling the football players spoiled little boys is negative, but it is funny for many people.  The irony kills me.  These huge men who take a beating during the game are far from little.  They train hard.  Spoiled?  Well, they do make a crap ton of money.  Hum, they don't get shot at or attacked by criminals.  Their spouses know they will come home after the game.  When my husband was deployed, yep, I thought them spoiled and their spouses.  We made less money with my husband on active duty, and I worried nonstop about whether he would come home after being gone for  17 months, not just a road trip to a different stadium.

But I digress.  I will talk about the explosion on Friday.  This is only the tip of the iceberg.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...