Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Women's Mural

A couple of times a month, I drive by the Women's Commemorative Mural of 1979 downtown.  When we first moved here, almost twenty years ago, I took a picture but have never really studied the piece.  As we walked across the street, section of the mural caught my eye that I had never noticed before.  I started shooting.


Why did this woman and her child catch my notice?  The mural was constructed in 1979.  I was eleven years old.  Now, I don't know if the mural has always been the same.  But I do remember that in 1977 my mother would never have breast fed my baby sister out in the open.  The times were very prudish.  Even in the years when my kids were babies, I wouldn't feel comfortable breast feeding in public.  In 2002, things were better, but old habits are hard to break.  I always went somewhere along to feed my little ones.  The piece surprised.  I kept taking pictures.

 Here are some of the other sections of the mural that I enjoy.


Women are a huge part of our history.  Of course, in the past many of the history books are written about the men.  I am proud when I drive by this mural to see the honor our town puts in the history of our women.  Keep up the good work, Ladies.

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