Friday, February 10, 2023

Poor Richard's Farm - Beginnings

     Wow, what a week!  Most of you know that a few years back, Jerry started a catering business called Poor Richard’s BBQ.  He had a few catering events; plus, he did quite a few barbecue competitions.  In fact, last summer, while he was in between deployments, he participated in two competitions.  Part of our reason for buying property is to have space for his business.

Now, as always, the family has big dreams for the land, huge vegetable and herb gardens, fruit orchard, fruit bushes, meat and egg chickens, goats, pigs, and miniature cows.  We want to sell the farm fresh food along with my quilting items and who knows what el
se.  We are going to marry the farm adventure with Jerry’s adventure.  Hence, we are naming our place Poor Richard’s Farm.  So exciting!

The beginning of the adventure started with a dream of wanting to be more self-sustaining.  For two years, I have been watching the real estate market.  We talked about it off and on with excitement.  I had thought we would buy land for a house for Clay, but then this little piece of heaven popped up.  We put in an offer.  The buyers counted.  We accepted.  All in a week!  

Last week, our house went on the market after seven mad days of getting the house ready.  I felt like I was doing my mom’s house all over again.  I even wondered if I was a bit of a hoarder.  It is amazing how much stuff is collected in 22.5 years and 3 kids!!!  The house on the inside looks amazing.  Well, since the house listed, we have had 15 showings.  Two of the showings were people coming a second time.  I am over the moon with how it all has been going.

I am so antsy to get the farm started.  I want to run to Murdock’s to buy a chicken feeder and waterer.  I have refrained because I don’t want more stuff to store at this place and move to the new place.  Ugh!!!  Yesterday, I couldn’t resist beginning a new project.  I went to Hobby Lobby and bought materials to work on some potholders.  One, we need some new potholders.  Two, I can put some up on Etsy to begin trying to sell products.

A friend of Clay’s advised that we take things slowly and to not bite off more than we can handle.  This is exactly how we are planning the adventure.  I am on a ten-year plan.  Jerry is on a five-year plan.  So typical for both of us.  We have agreed on our one-year plan.  Once everything is sold and bought, we work on laying hens, gardens, trees, and catering.  We will begin to sell some quilting items and any products above what we can use if we have any.  Clay will start his chicken tractor if we are ready later in the year.  Madelle will find a puppy.  We will also begin to do the research on a house for Clay.  That is it.  That is plenty!!!

Currently, we continue to show the house.  With the nice weather, I will clean the yard.  Leo bombs need to be disposed of in the dumpster.  My garden pieces of art and clutter need to be rounded up.  I know there is stuff under the snow, but some of it is peaking out.  I need to continue to clean up the garage and move the items in the shed into the garage.  In the mornings, I will work on potholders.  In fact, I think I will do that now.

Blessings to you all!

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...