Monday, September 9, 2019

Day 325: Parenting Techniques

What do you think the biggest cultural differences are between your generation and your parents’ generation?

The way we raise our kids.  Growing up, a lot of us kids didn’t have the newest and latest gadgets and such.  I had to buy my own things or wait until Christmas if I was lucky.  By birthday was at the end of breakup, so that was a bit bleak.  We also didn’t travel.  I didn’t leave the state until I was a Senior in high school.

When it came to gadgets and phones, my kids didn’t get many, but their friends all have them no matter how much money their parents have.  One of my daughter's friends had her own cell phone, but they couldn't afford their electricity.  I am amazed by what my generation buys their kids.  I am cheep and won’t buy them the latest this or that.  They have to save their money like I did.

With that said, I have traveled with my kids.  In fourth and sixth grade, we took the boys to San Francisco for an NFL football game.  We took each of the boys on a Senior trip to Mexico.  And we took them to the Bahamas when my husband came home from Iraq.  Madelle has gone even more places because she is the youngest.

And don’t get me started on the “everyone needs an award crap.”  I hate that about my generation!!!  Children need to learn that there are losses in life.  Losing at baseball is not going to hurt them, but thinking the deserve a medal when they placed last creates all sorts of issues.  Mainly, a generation who believe they are entitled to things that they haven't earned.

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