Sunday, May 19, 2019

Day 212: Obsolete

Write about an item you use frequently that you think (or hope) will be obsolete in 20 years.

The mammogram machine would be a good item to make obsolete.  What a horrible devise.  I would think that an ultrasound or something could be tweaked to find what the doctors are looking form.  I mean, ouch.  Last fall, I went in to get one done.  I took a break from them, which I know is wrong, but I get really tired of the medical profession when I am always going for visits due to my other conditions.  I was pleasantly surprised that the mammogram didn't hurt like it used to.  But then, since my last one, I have to give myself shots once a week.  Also, my hip hurts a lot more and my physical therapist tries to kill me each time I go to see him.  Mammograms don't seem to be so bad anymore.

Also, all the torture devises the dentist office uses.  I have been known to avoid the dentist office.  My first hygienist when we moved to Helena tried to pull my gums out, I swear.  I couldn't stand the woman at the office.  (She was nice at church but turned evil at work.)  I am very fortunate though to now have an excellent hygienist.  I still grumble at the appointments because they are just an inconvenience to my schedule.  However, I like to chat with Clancy.  She is awesome.  Still, the dentist should not be so painful!!!

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...