When I was a
little girl, many summer evenings, my family took drives out into the woods. I loved trying to spot a wild animal or bird
before my dad and identify what it was.
One time, I remember driving by Fortine and Trego, Montana. We counted well over one hundred dear. As I grew older, you know, the teenage years,
I hated these trips; unless it was just Dad and I. We would drive to Libby and we added guessing
the next area of the road we were at: Warland Creek, Dunn Creek and such.
I still do both
games on my own. I guess the next off
ramp from here to Missoula, Bozeman, and Billings. On the two lane highways to Libby, I guess
the creeks all the way to the destination which happens to be a good four and a
half hours. I also watch for birds and
animals. Lately, I watch for birds
more. I love them.
Now, I am not
one to just go on drives, but I love to drive to a destination. For the last couple of years, I have wanted
to do more exploring around Helena. This
is a result of losing my dad. I know I
don't have my partner in crime to do this with in Lincoln County. Well, all our vehicles are old, and I didn't
completely trust them. Now that I have
my new truck and Madelle is doing well enough that I can leave her for the day,
I plan to go on more drives. Monday was
such a day. Since it was my birthday, my
son came home to go on the adventure with me.
The destination was Holter Lake.

Our first stop
was unexpected. We pulled off at Gates
of the Mountain and drove down to the docks.
On our way back, we saw a pelican and a deer. As we came to the interstate, we saw these
two strange birds. I felt like I was
back in Hawaii. They looked like chickens,
but huge. They turned and we thought
turkeys. As the truck got closer, they
took flight. I had never seen this type
of bird before. I looked them up: turkey
vultures. So cool!!! I love seeing something new.
We continued
down the interstate until the off ramp to the Frontage Road. The Missouri River is beautiful. On our way up to the lake, we saw a nest of
pelicans. Then we made it to the
lake. I have never been up there. Stupid, I know. But when you are raising kids, working
fulltime, working as a soldier part-time, and traveling around the state to see
family, I just don't get out in the country enough!
Of course the
lake is beautiful. We wandered around
the campground a little bit. I snapped
some pictures. We saw a loon. The picture didn't turn out well, but I am
adding it anyway. I love loons. Unfortunately he was very quiet. We also saw another pelican. He amazed us when he took flight. Gorgeous!!!
We continued
down the Missouri seeing one more nest.
Without a second concrete destination, we both were done with the
trip. I jumped onto the interstate at
the next ramp. Though the day was
gloomy, we enjoyed our time. My son is
great at conversation. I thought of my
dad on this trip. I am taking over where
he left off. He and I used to go on
drives and do a little fishing. I am
working at doing the same with Clay. I
love the tradition.
Once home, we
added to our own tradition. We played a
game of Cribbage. Man, Clay got a hand
worth 21 points. One of my hands was
worth ZERO. He skunked me. And on my birthday! I just didn't raise him right. Seriously, I am so truly blessed.