Saturday, April 6, 2019

Day 172: Where the Boys Are

Sunday afternoon, my fingers tapped away at accomplishing another 700 words to reach my monthly goal.  I sat on the couch with my headphones on while my husband watched the end of a movie.  I looked up to see the next movie playing on TMC was Where the Boys Are.  I watched this movie way back in the day.  Finishing up the last hundred words, I closed the laptop and turned my attention to the television.

Wow, what a difference thirty plus years make on the important parts of the movie.  I always remembered the movie as a fun, free loving story about spring break in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  I wanted to take a trip there after I grew up and went to college.  Unfortunately, I didn’t even have enough money to make it home during spring break.  I was so poor.

I still loved the movie after all these years.  However, I was shocked at the end of the movie.  One of the girls was raped and tried to kill herself walking down a busy street.  I completely missed this part of the movie when I watched it the first time.  How did that happen?  I wonder if maybe I didn’t see the entire film.  Or I was simply too young when I watched it for that to really make an impression.  Only a brief second of fear crossed the girl’s face.  I am sure it didn’t even register for me.  I think I saw the movie in my early teens.  I was probably confused about her walking in the middle of the road and the hospital scene.  Since the movie was made in 1957, the references were subtle.  But what an eye opener.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...