Sunday, March 31, 2019

Day 166: Snakes

Snakes: interesting or creepy?  Why?

Exactly!!!  Why does it have to be snakes?  Best line, ever.  Can anyone guess it?

No, I don’t like snakes.  I do have a funny snake story.

I think I was in fifth grade when the entire fifth grade went to Mrs. White’s house out in the woods.  I don’t remember her house or even what we did that day as a class activity.  I do remember laying on the bank in the sunlight by the creek.  This was my ugly duckling phase of life when I didn’t have many friends.  Some of the girls were going on about girly things; clothes, makeup, boys.  I remember not at all being interested.  The boys were down by the creek playing in the water. One of them found a garter snake.  They came flying up the bank with the snake.  Girls screamed, jumped up, and ran in all directions.  I froze.  Scared to death, froze.  When I finally realized I couldn’t jump up fast enough to avoid said snake, I sat there nonchalantly.  I had that bored, I am not afraid of snakes look on my face.  I am not sure if they bought the look.  For all I know, fear was written all over my face.  I have never been able to hide my feelings.

What they did buy was my best secret friend stepped in.  “Awe, she isn’t afraid of snakes, lets go.”  Why was he my best secret friend?  Well, we only played together at our houses or on the adventures our dads took us on.  Man, if we had played together at school, we would have been teased and sung the kissing song.  I always wondered if he knew he saved me.  I don’t know if I ever thanked him.  Well, Dale, if you ever read this, thanks.  Of course, you might regret it today.  I am sure I would have looked hilarious screaming over a stupid snake.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Day 165: The Beach

Rockaway Beach, Oregon

Write about the beach: your favorite memory of a trip, what you love, what you hate (e.g., sand gets everywhere).  Would you live on the coast if you could, or is it better to just visit?

Oh, the beach!  I dream of the beach.  I love the beach.  I love the cold beaches of Oregon and Washington.  Oh, and I will never forget the beaches at Dover and Whitby, England.  I have enjoyed some beaches around San Diego, Catalina Island, and San Francisco.  Mexican beaches, Caribbean beaches, Hawaiian beaches, I have loved them all.  I dream of seeing more beaches.  The ocean sings a song in my heart that gets louder the longer I have been away, calling me back.

A favorite memory of a trip to the beach, hum, this is hard.  I have kayaked, swam, and snorkeled.  I think I will go with my first trip to Hawaii.  We were doing the touristy thing and went to Hanauma Bay to snorkel.  I came face to face with a sea turtle.  He was an amazing creature.  I loved him.  Afterwards, I continued to snorkel with such pure joy at all the wonders.  I have been so blessed to have this experiences and others.  As for hating anything about the beach, not one thing.  I don’t mind sand getting everywhere.

Due to my arthritis, I couldn’t live on the coast in the colder climates.  I think I would hurt all the time.  However, I would love to live on the coast in the hot climates.  I doubt I ever will, but I plan to visit the beach about every other year if I have anything to say about the matter.  I would prefer yearly.  We will see if I can make that happen once I am a retired mom of a teenager.  Have I mentioned I love the beach?

Friday, March 29, 2019

Day 164: Garages

Garages, what are they for?  Are they storage units?  Well, sure.  You store your vehicle in them, not a bunch of crap that you never use.  All those items you couldn’t do without that take up the room where a vehicle could rest its weary wheels, like a 68 Mustang or a 1952 Mercedes.  Of course, I would love to put my 2001 Nissan Frontier or 2012 Ford Focus in my garage.  Can I?  No.  Why?  I have too much crap in the blasted structure.

For the last couple of years, I have asked for help at getting rid of stuff in the garage.  I have kids toys, tons of kitchen stuff, sporting equipment, a ton of my unfinished projects, stuff for smoking meat, an armoire, a pool table, and I don’t even know what else.  I am tired of it all.  Oh, and don’t get me started on the old crappy furniture out there.  My word!!!

I have heard rumor that my husband may not be doing any extra military duty this summer.  At first I was so excited.  I have a honey do list a mile long that would keep him busy every weekend.  What has he gone and done?  He has scheduled barbecue competitions every weekend he is not at drill.  Are you kidding me?

But wait, if he is gone, I won’t have to argue the reason for tossing things.  I know a couple of young men who might be willing to help me make some Good Samaritan and dump runs.  I might even be tempted to have a weekend garage sale.  I am getting a little hopeful that my stupid garage will quit being a crap storage unit and go back to being a vehicle storage unit.  In the meantime, does anyone want a Thule storage thing for the top of their car?  Or how about a really nice pool table?  I will give you a good price!!!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Day 163: Decide Joy

One of the books I am reading at the moment is Almost Everything: Notes on Hope by Anne Lamott.  Three of us ladies are reading the book to discuss the content at our faith gathering each Wednesday.  The book doesn't quote scripture or even talk about God.  In fact, I would never have picked up the book, but I am finding a lot of wonderful nuggets of gold to reflect on in my daily life.  Consider this....

"[Joy is] often a decision.  Joy is portable.  Joy is a habit, and these days, it can be a radical act," page 70-71. 

My motto for the last two years has been "find the joy in life."  Before that my motto was "enjoy the journey."  And in 2014 my words to reflect on were delight and joy.  Where did all of this come from?  I am not sure.  I do know that as a child my grandma drove me nuts with her gloom and doom.  I would go visit her only to have to listen to her complain about everything.  I would see the sunshine pour into her room and think who can be miserable on such a beautiful day.  I vowed to always find good things to see in my life.

Now, my grandmother was in constant pain.  She was watching her family and friends from her generation die, leaving her lonely.  I get all of that.  But I wanted to enjoy our visits.  Being my obnoxious self, I told her if all she could do is be negative, I was leaving.  She turned to telling me stories.  She chose a different way.

Deep in my heart, I believe joy is a decision and a habit.  I try my hardest to practice joy.  Yesterday, my hip hurt all day.  In fact, the hip has hurt for a steady couple of weeks.  I have been limping.  I am not sleeping well at night.  I am worried about walking the dog, gardening, painting, and travel.  These things bring me great joy.  What if I can't do them without pain?  Yes, I have called my doctor.  Yes, I will conquer this latest problem with my disease.  The meds aren't working, but I can do some sort of shot and/or physical therapy.  I am not throwing in the towel.  However, yesterday, I was grumpy for a bit and considering my options.  If the disease does get the best of me this summer, what am I going to do? 

I will learn to play guitar.  I will continue to write.  I will set up a crap ton of bird feeders outside my writing room and the art room and watch birds all summer.  I will sit in the sun and soak up the warmth, watching my flowers and weeds grow.  I will delight in my indoor herb garden.  I will love snuggling with my dog and cats.  My daughter and husband will make me laugh.  I will continue to choose joy.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Day 162: Be the Change

The other day, my mom and I chatted on the phone.  I had received a weird message from her.  She had been hacked.  I told her she needed to change her password.  Near the end of the conversation, she asked why people had to be so terrible.  Couldn’t they work at being better people?  I asked her why she didn’t work at being better.  That did get a rise out of her.

I continued with my point.  Did she pick up the garbage she saw in the parking lot?  Did she offer to drive someone in need to town?  What little things does she do to change the world?  So many people get upset about the world today; yet, like an armchair quarter back, they just yell out how others can do better.  They aren’t playing the game.

I am just as bad as the next person.  One of my many pet peeves is when people don’t return their carts at the store.  Now, I return mine faithfully, but I don’t take other peoples’ carts to the corral.  Maybe the person didn’t return their cart because they were too busy with their infant.  Or maybe they are handicapped and hurt too much.  I also don’t stop to pick up garbage.  I do try to smile when I pass people.  I try to be extra nice to the workers I interact with at the different stores I shop at during the week.  However, if I thought outside the box, I am sure I could effect even more change.  Instead of complaining, I need to be the change.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Day 161: The Great Pretenders

The other day, Matthew Kelly talked about the great pretenders.  The great pretenders consist of all the people who show the outside world how good everything in their life is with family, friends, activities and the like.  Our world promotes materialism, perfection, and happiness.  Thus, many of us do the same when we are showing the rest of the world our outside lives.  Rarely is this the whole story.

I have definitely fallen into the trap of being a Great Pretender.  During the three years of hell, when our family fell apart, I only posted good things.  Mainly, I posted things about my writing and trips I went on.  Sure, I did write some things about my daughter, with her permission, but much of the hell I left off the social media platforms.  Life was ugly.  I didn’t want to reveal all of it. I still don’t unless I can write it under a different name.  Someday, I might but not now.

I truly believe remaining silent about our daily struggles only hurt us.  Keeping things bottled up hurts ourselves and makes us feel alone in the world.  Unfortunately, even those willing to share, come off as drama.  Yes, some are, but others just need to vent.  I get that.  The other problem is gossip.  You tell your story on social media and the gossip is fair game.

With my own “drama” issue, autoimmune disease, I hesitate to let people know how I am doing through facebook.  I think it is important to connect with people about our pain and suffering.  However, many people get tired of the “complaining”.  Frankly, I get tired of my own complaining to my family who need to know how I am doing.  So, I get it.  The opposite of that is all the people who want to help and have a million different suggestions.  Or the ones that are so sympathetic, which I usually cringe at getting sympathy.  Something about that bullheadedness that I inherited from one of my relatives or all of them.

Is it bad to be a great pretender on social media?  I honestly can’t say one way or another.  I know watching all the happy announcements and pictures crushed me while my life was at its lowest in those three years.  Even with some of it better, I still have twinges of feeling despair that my life will never look that great.  But I keep in mind that social media is to keep people connected.  Ultimately, that is a good thing.  When I am feeling vulnerable, when life is hitting us again, I step back.  I am also more cognizant of how what I put up might be a little over the top in the great pretender category.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Day 160: Middles

White about the middle of something, anything!

The creative beginnings of a book hold the writer captivated with discovering new characters.  The fresh ideas pop around in the writer's head like those old fashion vacuum toys with the popping balls.  A color for each new idea keeps the writing flowing ever forward.  The words fly from the fingers, through the keyboard, and onto the monitor.  A humming fills the air, vibrating all around.  Beautiful!

As time passes, the fingers slow down.  The keys fail to bounce back up as quickly.  All the ideas turn shades of gray, or worse, black.  The writer loses their momentum.  They can grow bored.  Doubt sinks into their skin. Did they give the protagonist enough of a challenge to reach their goal?  Is the antagonist believable?  What was the blasted name of the guy fishing by the lake?  The middle becomes murky for the author's emotions and self esteem.

Luckily, the end arrives after writing and writing some more, never giving up.  In the past, I have enjoyed the end of the book.  The plot wraps up in most areas.  I love to end with a cliffhanger for the next book.  Great fun.  However, I have learned with this fifth book that I am writing now that the end of the series is harder then the middle of a book.  I thought remembering the beginning of the book could be difficult.  Remembering the details of four books to end the series is far more complicated.  I must be crazy for working on such a project.  But hey, I am already excited about my second series.  Yep, officially crazy.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Day 159: Interesting Date

Write about an interesting date you have been on, good or bad.

The most interesting date lasted for five days.  My husband invited me on a trip, but he didn’t tell me where we were going, only that a plane or two would be involved.  He was kind enough to let me know that we would be experiencing warm weather during the day and cool evenings. I had my suspicions.  I was bouncing off the Salt Lake City airport walls after we disembarked from our first flight. He finally told me we were going on a cruise.  What fun!!!  We went kayaking off Catalina Island and stopped off at the chapel to pray for Ash Wednesday.  We saw a blow hole in Mexico along with a Mexican festival.  Though he gets sea sick on small vessels, he even took me whale watching and a little wandering along the docks of San Diego.  Yep, a very interesting date seeing things and learning about the Mexican culture.  This is also one of the top ten dates we have been on so far in our marriage.  (I just threw out a number.  He is just so much fun!)

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Day 158: Rather Not

What do you have to do today that you really would rather not do?

Well, I should go to work today.  I am supposed to head over to the Delta Hotel to attend the Enlisted conference.  My house needs cleaned.  I have another 20,000 words or more to write to finish my latest novel.  I don't want to do any of these things.  I either want to stay in my pajamas all day or lay on a beach with the sun streaming down on my with a temperature of 80 degrees.  Ya, those last two things aren't going to happen!!!

I am going to put cleaning the office off until tomorrow.  Cleaning house will wait.  When will I do that?  Only time will tell.  As for the conference, I will get ready in a little while and try to make it over there for lunch.  My hubby is helping run the event, so I will go over to support him.  While I am there, I will hide in the hotel room or lobby and play with some words.  I am playing with the scene where Jorgan sees a fire up on the mountaintop.  So, I will do two of my tasks even if I don't want to.
The question could be asked, why would I rather not do these tasks?  Well, I have been flaring for the last couple of weeks.  I have been in a lot of pain.  I have no energy.  I just want to sleep and veg out.  Yep, it is about time to call the doctor.  Another task I would rather not do.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Day 157: My Greatest Blessing

What is one of your greatest blessings?

Hands down, my favorite blessing that God has given me is my faith.  I have trusted in God most of my life.  I trusted in him to listen to my parents even though a minister told me not to follow their direction.  I wanted to go to a Bible college in Puget Sound.  My dad said he would not pay for that and didn’t agree with me going.  He wanted me to get a degree that would earn enough money that I wouldn’t have to rely on anyone.  His arguments were sound.  I ignored the minister.

Because of my faith in the parents God gave me to know what was best for me, I went to Eastern Montana College.  Here God introduced me to my second best blessing, my husband.  God found a man with a strong, grounded faith.  Because of our mutual faith, we have given God the wheel in all aspects of our life, especially our marriage.  This faith has worked through post partum depression, a deployment, PTSD, my autoimmune diseases, and mental illness.  My husband is the right person to put up with my Norwegian, Redneck attitude.  He is fun.  He is a great father.  He supports my dreams.  We love to travel together.  I believe our faith is working.  We are thirty years strong.

With my faith and my husband, all my other blessing just seem to fall into place.  I have wonderful family members.  I have a host of great friends.  Really, what more do I need?  God is good.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Day 156: Free

If you woke up tomorrow and discovered that everything in life was now free, what is the first thing you would do?

My first instinct says that I would drive to Kalispell and pick up a new Nissan Frontier that I am eyeing.  I would make sure it also had all of the things I want with my next new vehicle.  How cool would it be to have a new vehicle without payments?  Buying a new vehicle with cash is on my bucket list.  Some day!!!

My second thought was to get a new riding lawnmower.  I also need a new deck on the back of the house and more bricks to finish up my retaining wall around the front and side of the house.  I am working a new light project in the house and new doors.  Yep, I could have a lot of fun updating the house.

After thinking all about the thing I want, I realize I am completely forgetting my dear husband.  I would get him a restaurant or at least a food truck for catering and such.  Oh, the dreams we both have!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Day 155: Theme

If this week had a theme to it, what would yours be?

Just keep driving!!!  My daughter still doesn’t have her license for a number of reasons.  In the morning, I have to take her all the way into town.  At noon, I go back to pick her up from school because she doesn’t have class in the afternoon during this block of instruction.  At 2:00, I run her clear to the other side of town for her internship which lasts for two hours.  I could go home and do a couple of chores, but instead, I save a little bit of gas.  I either go to a coffee shop or the library with my computer to write.  Once we get back home, I still could have one more run into town if I get together with friends or go to dinner with the family.  In two more weeks, I should be back to only going into town twice a day.  Yep, I am excited for that to happen.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Day 154: Journaling

Where do you like to do your journaling?  At a desk, in your bed, at a coffee shop?

The majority of time, I do my journaling on my computer in my writing room first thing in the morning, well, after Jerry leaves for work.  Of course, I have also been known to write them outside, in the living room, in a hotel, and at a coffee shop.  Lately, when I sit down to write a scene on my laptop, I do a paragraph of journaling first and then start the fiction.  I later transfer it to my journal on the computer.  A journal can be written anywhere, at any time, and multiple times a day.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Day 153: Weird Names

What is the weirdest name you can come up with (or know someone with)?  If you had to give a character a really, really unusual name, what would you choose and what would it show about their personality?

Weird name?  Funny!!!  My middle name is Madelle.  We named my daughter Madelle.  I love weird, unique names.  In my series, Living the Tenets, I have all sorts of “weird” names.  I suspect people in Scandinavia wouldn’t find them weird at all, since I googled “Scandinavian names” when giving my characters their names: Guri, Oddveig, Marketta, Finngard, Didrik, just to name a few.  As for their personalities, well, read the books, of course.  My upcoming character in the next fantasy series is named Kirzantra.  I love this name.  Yep, I love names!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Day 152: Made By Hand

Write about something you made by hand.

Before the dog entered my life, I made blankets by hand.  I have no idea how many I crocheted throughout the year.  I can think of thirty I have made, but I am sure the number is closer to forty or fifty.  I miss making the blankets.  I pulled out my needle and yarn a while back.  But since I have a dog who claims my lap, I just don’t crochet.  And now, I am always so exhausted when I sit down to watch television or a movie that I just don’t have a desire.  I keep thinking I will go back to the hobby.  Maybe after my daughter is raised.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Day 152: Job in the 1860's

If you had lived hundreds of years ago, what kind of work do you think you would have done?  What job would you have wanted to do?

Really?  Is it good to leave this question so open?  Hundreds?  How many hundreds?  I guess I will pick one of my favorite times in history, the Civil War.  Let’s play with this a bit.

My Nixon family lived in Virginia before the war started.  June 20, 1863, the section they called home became West Virginia.  Quite a few of the men in the family fought for the North.  One fought for Virginia.  I believe during that time I would have worked on the family farm.  I probably would have sold the produce from the farm, sewed, cooked, and done laundry for those who could pay or barter.  I would have been a mom.

So, what would I have wanted to do?  Sure, I was a medic for the military, but I didn’t like the job.  I probably would have wanted to be a teacher.  Women didn’t have many options in the 1860's.  I also would have been what I am now, a housewife and mother.  I definitely wouldn’t have been a soldier.  I hope I would have kept a journal to hand down to my descendants for them to see what life was like back in those days.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Day 151: Stress Release

Periodically we have tension build up in our lives that requires a release of some kind.  Some people cry; others punch; some find a creative outlet. What is your release?

The first time reading this prompt felt like I was slapped in the face.  My eyes opened. Before my health declined, I released my tension by physical means.  I remember my eighth and ninth grade years when I played basketball, I loved running crushers.  By the time coach made us do that, I was usually spitting angry at the complaining of all the girls at what he was doing.  Over the years, I learned to run. Okay, as I have noted before, I didn’t run well, but I ran. During the deployment while dealing with difficult females, I ran like crazy.  I have missed running because it was a great way to relieve tension.

So, what do I do now that I don’t run?  I have to say, not much. I think this is bad.  Sure, I write about the tension. I talk about the tension.  Thanks, Barb, Toni, Jerry, Melissa, Clay, and Paulette for listening while I talk out my tension and anyone else who I find to listen to me.  I feel bad for all these people who have to put up with me. I almost forgot. When I am livid with tension, I clean house until my joints ache. I have also been known to garden.

Since I have been unable to run, I have struggled with headaches and other ways my tension manifests in my body.  It isn’t healthy. I might have to continue to think about this. I work hard at not being tense. My doctor and the medical community and writings tell me not to be stressed.  Sure, I try, but life is stressful. I can’t get away from all stress. I need a healthier, physical release because it does get bottled up.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Day 150: Book Review: Before We Were Yours

As I passed 90% of my reading book, I realize that I haven't written a book review in ages.  I have been reading, honest.  This year I have read seven books.  My goal is always two per month.  The longer ones tend to take longer, but I read shorter and/or easier books to keep the count.  This book was an easy book.

I downloaded the book "Before We Were Yours" by Lisa Wingate on my kindle sometime last week.  As soon as I started the book, I haven't thought about much else.  The historical fiction grabbed my attention and didn't let go of me.  Five children living on a river boat with their parents were stolen by the Tennessee Children's Home Society orphanage.  I kept thinking of Rill and her siblings.  Horrid! 

Of course, Rill and all but one of the characters in the book were fictional.  At the end, the author talked about Georgia Tann and the Home as historical.  The atrocities from that time era cause a person to feel such despair for these poor children.  We as a society have come far from this time of child stealing; however, it would be naive to think our children are treated better.  I know many are still exploited.

I recommend this novel.  The ending of the book couldn't be considered "happily ever after."  However, closure ensued with an ending that left the ready satisfied.  Stories like this make me think of the orphanage here in Helena back in the day.  I have thought of doing some research.  I don't think I could do the story justice at this point of my writing.  Maybe someday.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Day 149: A Song

Write about a song and memories or feelings it evokes in you.

While my husband was away for seventeen months on deployment, I struggled with some friendships, two to be exact.  They were my closest friends at the time.  I did stuff with them all the time.  No matter what I did, both women criticized me for taking the wrong approach with the deployment.  My parenting, work, and marriage were all judged and found lacking.  Now, all of us were pretty miserable and highly emotional.  Our husbands were gone.  They were being shot at, and we could be visited by soldiers in dress uniform.  So, I tried hard to be patient and understanding.  I finally broke off the friendships.  Someday, I will probably write about that time.

My theme song for a majority of the deployment was “My Give a Damn’s Busted” by Jo Dee Messina  After dropping kids off or before picking them up, I would sing that song at the top of my lungs with the stereo blaring in my pickup.  Hum, and I wonder why I am struggling with my hearing.  Opps.

Now, I realize the song is about a guy and a girl, but for the most part for me, it was about a woman and her friends.  I sang the song thinking of how I didn't care what they thought about me or how I was handling the deployment.  Of course, that wasn't true at the beginning.  I wanted to quit caring about them, and over time I did.  Once I started stepped away from the drama they provoked, I found a quiet rhythm to our days.  I healed, and I thrived.  I also found my true friends who didn't criticize.  Anyway, I love song and the chorus.

I really want to care,

I want to feel somethin’

Let me dig a little deeper




Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Day 148: Recurring Dream

Do you have any dreams that recur?  Why do you think you continue to have that dream?

I love dreams.  I have had a number of dreams that have been very entertaining.  A couple I have had contain deep meaning.  I believe I have had three different recurring dreams in my life.  I am not sure what two of them meant, so I will only talk about the one.  I don’t know when the dream started. I believe it probably came to me the first time in about 1988 or 1989.  I had the dream a lot.

Walking through a college building on my way to class, I came to a staircase.  On the next level, I walked to my class only to find out that wasn’t my class.  I would check the time and know I only had a couple of minutes to get to my class on time.  Off I ran up the next flight of stairs to discover again, the room wasn’t my class.  More staircases, more wrong rooms until finally, I woke up, never making it to class. I had this dream a lot.

I hated the dream.  I hate being late. I hated not going to school fulltime.  Due to finances, I spent eight years going to school off and on when I had money.  During those eight years, I joined the military, married, and had two babies.  I wasn’t idle, but I wasn’t obtaining my degree quickly either.  I wasn't making it to class.

Finally, on my birthday, in 1995, I graduated from college.  My second child had been born 12 days prior.  Within the first couple of months with degree in hand, I had the dream for the last time.  I made it to the very top floor, a lot of flights of stairs, mind you.  I entered the correct room with time to spare.  I have never had the dream again.  I love dreams!!!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Day 147: Mushrooms

Do you absolutely hate any food that other people usually like?

I don’t know if a lot of other people like mushrooms, but I hate them.  I have hated them all my life.  When I was a little girl, my mother said I had to eat them one evening at the dinner table.  I tried, but I felt like I was going to throw up.  I warned her.  She insisted.  I threw up all over my plate.  The fungus makes me shudder just thinking about them!!!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Day 146: Favorite Game

What is your favorite game to play?

Really, this depends on who I am with.  If we are having a Richard gathering, Whist by far is my favorite game.  However, when I am with James, Melissa, Jerry, Madelle, Adam, and Clay, the game is D&D.  When Clay and I are together, we always try to play a couple of rounds of Cribbage.  I don’t have one favorite game.  I have three favorite games and the favorite people to hang out with while playing said games.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Day 145: Advice to a Child

You have a child and you have written one piece of advice that will be carried in his/her pocket for life.  What is that advice?

Keep God in your life and remember I will always love you, even if you think I don’t.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Day 144: The Cricket Bat

I listened to Matthew Kelly’s video this morning.  He talked about the cricket bat he wanted as a kid.  He thought if he received the bat he would be completely happy.  I started laughing as soon the first seconds of the video started.  I knew he would discuss how items, things won’t make us happy.  I get that.  He talked about how our happiness comes from God.  I totally agree.  However, I still knew the video wasn’t going to reach me as Matthew intended.  You see, first thing this morning, I looked up new vehicles online on my phone.  After logging onto my computer, I dove deeper into my search.  I believe a new Nissan Frontier will make me happy.

I have always loved vehicles and loved to drive.  Fifteen years ago, my husband bought me a two year old Frontier that is still sitting in my driveway.  I have driven it to town twice this morning.  He thought the novelty of the vehicle would wear off in a month or two.  Nope.  I still get a thrill driving my baby.  The problem is that the locks no longer work, the AC is dead and will take removing the engine to fix.  I dream of heated seats.  I would love a good stereo system other then a radio that doesn’t work in half of my state.  In the winter the doors stick and are a pain to open.  Two days ago, I accidently hit the lock button.  My daughter couldn’t get into the passenger’s side front door.  I have tried getting them fixed at least twice.  Gurr.  It is time for a new vehicle.

Now, normally, I am not a material girl.  But when it comes to equipment that I need to use, like a vehicle, I want reliability and workability.  Yes, I also like it to look good.  Does this make me shallow?  Maybe.  But my Frontier has made me very happy.  I have some good memories, and I will miss him when I trade him in.  Junior has been a part of my life for fifteen years.  I do love him.  If I could keep him, I would.  However, I don’t need two pickups.  And yes, my vehicles are named, and I talk to them. 

No, I don't place more value in a vehicle then a lot of other things, including my faith.  I am not sure I will bit the bullet and take out a loan.  We have expenses coming up in the next couple of months.  I still have my car to drive as well.  The car goes to Madelle when she gets her license.  So, a truck may not be in my near future, but a girl can dream.  And really, I don't think God minds when we take joy in a thing and are thankful for it.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Day 143: Sweet Spots

Yesterday, I watched a video by Matthew Kelly through his Dynamic Catholic webpage.  He is doing a series of video during the Lenten Season.  I am not sure what it is all about, but he is one of my favorite Catholic writers, so I am joining in on the project.  He talked about the Sweet Spot.  He believes we are meant to be filled with happiness/joy.  We can do this through our Sweet Spot.

What is a Sweet Spot (SS)?  He talked about how the SS is being involved and engaged in ways that will have the most influence and impact on the world around us.  Everything else is a distraction.  Whether or not faith is a part of a person's life, I believe the SS is relevant for all people.  Sure, as I meditated on my SS all day, I thought of my walk in faith as well, but faith isn't a necessary factor.  I also saw another person's SS. 

In the afternoon, I met with my daughter's mentor at a local restaurant.  Her social anxiety was wrecking havoc on her, and she was having a panic attack before her shift.  We needed a new game plan for her school requirement.  The current plan was not working.  Dennis was amazing.  He came to the meeting with ideas and plans.  He talked about other employees he works with that have similar difficulties.  The acceptance and love he gave my daughter put tears in my eyes.  I saw Dennis' SS.  Amazing!!!

This morning, I continued to think about my SS.  At this point in time, my SS is advocating for my daughter and helping her find her way into establishing a life with a disability.  We don't know where this will lead, but I am there for her every step of the way.  Right now it means running into town three to four times a day and setting up and going to meetings.  I am glad I love to drive!

Matthew didn't talk about multiple SSs, but I believe we can have more then one.  I think most of my life is a SS.  I find joy in my ministries in our community, being a family member, a friend, and a writer.  Soon, I will be finding my SS in the gardens.  Yay!  Life is good!


           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...