Friday, February 8, 2019

Day 116: Mentors

Do you have anyone in your life that has acted as a mentor to you?  Have you ever helped someone else out in this way?

Again, really?  One person?  I have been blessed to have many mentors.  Of course, there is my dad.  He was the all around mentor.  I would have to say that my Aunt Diane has also been an all around mentor since I was about in first grade.  During my childhood, I had Aunt Betty and Carla Roberts.  Aunt Betty has always had a beautiful quiet faith that I have tried to mimic.  Now, I barely knew Carla.  She lived across the street and was like five years older them me.  However, I remember her playing the clarinet, so I started with the clarinet.  I remember her going to college.  I declared I would do the same.  I doubt she even remembers the little neighbor girl who wanted to follow in her footsteps.  Oh, and how can I forget my cousins Carol and Cathleen?  I was very blessed.

During my adult years, again, I have had a lot of mentors.  In the military, there was SFC Arthun, SFC Schneider, and SFC Post in my Billings units.  In Helena, I would say my best mentor was LTC Robinson.  In my faith life, there are just way too many to list, but I treasure my discussions with Barb, Paulette, and Toni to just name a few.  I think I would be here all day long if I tried listing them all.  During my short three years of teaching, I had Laura Lowe.

Again, this is just a small spattering of mentors.  As for me being a mentor, I sure hope I have been helpful to others.  I would never presume that I have been a mentor though.  I just try to be a good example of kindness and hard work with a good dose of faith.

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...