Just when you need
them to
hold still-
And there's one word
An abundant
amount of sadness has descended on me this morning. The feeling has been percolating for the past
seven days. I keep trying to fight the
feeling. I listen to music, work on
projects, pray, write, clean, and garden.
Really, life is beautiful and abundant.
What is going on that makes me so sad?
The weather has
been an issue. I don't think we have had
this wet of a fall in quite a few years.
We need the moisture but I am a person of the sun. My favorite colors are the vivid blue in the
sky and the bright green of the lawn.
Gray clouds weigh heavy on me when they hover overhead for days on
end. Today, my prayer of a sunny day has
been answered.
This should lift my
spirits, but it is only helping a little bit.
Madelle has been
struggling. She is a child who has never
liked change. As young as a toddler, I
would tell her the plan of the day, even if it was just to pick her up from
daycare. She needed to know the
transitions of the day. Well, a new
school year has reeked a bit of havoc in our world. She started out the year disliking all of her
teachers. Panic attacks have been
happening a lot throughout the weeks. She
has become depressed and is scratching herself until she bleeds. I have been to the school for numerous
meetings to help her advocate for herself.
I can guarantee her middle school counselor has been earning her
paycheck! Madelle has attended all the
meetings. I speak for her sometimes, but
she has been talking as well and is learning to advocate a little more. She now likes all of her teachers, but
one. I think after yesterday the last
one is on the road to helping with a trusting relationship with Madelle. I see some hope on the horizon. However, I do feel the stress of when the
next storm will pass through.
For the last two
weeks, I have been feeling very good about the loss in my life. I have been adjusting to my dad and grandpa
being gone. My last trip to Libby went really
well. But for whatever reason, today as
I worked on my novel, I kept thinking of Dad.
I miss him terribly at the moment.
I decided to pay bills, when I ran across a few address labels for
Grandpa. He sent them one year in his
Christmas card. Now, I have sent him
gifts every year, but to Mom's address to give to him. I never used one label to send him a letter
or card. Now, I can't. I feel like a horrid granddaughter. I miss him too. Yes, I visited him almost every time I went
to Libby, but it wasn't enough. As I sit
writing this, I realized that I probably haven't mourned Grandpa. Well, I am today!
The final issue
I have is two things that combine, my health and chores. My new medicine has caused my white blood
cell count to go down. Because of that,
I have caught a cold that has lasted a week.
I have also been hurting all over since Sunday. I look at my dirty house, messy yard, and all
the projects unfinished and I am a bit discouraged. I am not pressured by anyone. Jerry and Madelle don't mind a messy house,
nor do the friends who stop by. No one
minds about the yard either. The problem
is I love doing all of the work, but I just hurt a little too much to push
myself. I am afraid if I do push, I will
be stuck in bed. So, I poke around doing
a little bit here and there. I am not
good at pokey!!!
What am I going
to do about all of this? Pray, first and
foremost. I will try to give myself a
break. I will go to my depression
list. 1)
I need to be reading. Hum, I
never stop reading. Not an issueJ 2) Polish
the silver. I fixed two of the cupboard
doors this morning along with the curtain rod.
I will also try to keep doing a little housework. 3)
Garden. Hum, that is pretty much
over for the moment though I am hoping to get out there on Saturday. I would like the rest of the weeds gone where
I can see them from the writing room.
4) I have been scrapbooking. I have done about seven pages on a new book I
am making for a gift. 5) Change of Scenery. Last week I went to the library. This week I am going to the coffee shop early
to get some reading done before I meet friends.
6) Research and Study. I am doing this with my books about England. 7) Listen to music. I am doing this right now as I type. 8) Play with Leo. He makes meJ 9)
Take an outing. To be honest, I
don't want to. With about 10 trips north
this year, I am done. Besides, in two
weeks I am going to see my sister. Plus,
I think we have two more little trips planned.
I am good with outings! 10) Photography.
My bird feeder is filled and my camera is ready. In fact, I have added some fun photos that I
worked on as I was writing. The birds
are keeping me so entertained.
The sadness is a
part of my world at the moment. I will
keep facing it, analyzing it, and working to alleviate it. As I close this post, my back is achy. My coffee cup is empty. But I have another two hours of work to
accomplish. I always feel better if I
can get work done. I want to finish
looping two more scenes so I will be ready to read this evening. Life really is good. I have tons of fun projects. This sadness will pass. When it does, I can look back at this season anda
be content because I didn't let it make me immobile. I will conquer!!!
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