In the last seven days, I have been on an adventure. Really, the journey began with the assigned writing paper I was given in grade school when I began to love to write. However, the last episode ended yesterday. I have no idea what God has in store for me, but I am a bit excited.
Early this summer, I signed up for a writer’s conference and to submit my novel. With only twelve openings for written work, I was excited that I was selected. I proceeded to ignore all the work I needed to do because well it was summer. I love to play and travel during the summer not sit behind a desk writing. Lame excuse, but I am what I am as Popeye says.
While in Atlanta, I received an e-mail stating the editor who was going to read my work canceled, did I want to withdraw? No, I procrastinate enough. I was determined to send the material. Last week, I looked over the letter and decided I should see what genre the new editor preferred. Non-fiction. Oh, no. I was in trouble. I went out to look at the publishing house. Very small and they only represent non-fiction. With less than a week to submit, I didn’t have a clue what I would do. I would love to say this will teach me to stop procrastinating, but I highly doubt it. I think I thrive under the pressure.
I thought and I thought some more for about a total of eighteen hours. The idea to put a few of my blog posts together caused a little excitement. I didn’t have to come up with a new non-fiction idea let alone write the fifteen pages to go with a two page book proposal. About thirty minutes later, the realization of not having first publishing rights with my blog material made me realize this idea stunk!
While looking through my writing folders, I spotted the one entitled Suffering. The little envelope design on my computer popped into my head. I could work with this project. My heart started to race. Could I pull it off? Not being able to sit still, I took a walk by the irrigation ditch, up the road, through the field, and back home. I prayed, I daydreamed, I smiled, and I prayed some more. I really felt God tugging me in this direction. Once back in front of the computer, the research of how to write a book proposal began in all haste.
Yesterday, I successfully sent off the proposal and first fifteen pages of the book. First reader number one doesn’t like the Creation Story which I use, but he said the description was good. He also helped me tweak a couple of areas. First reader number two started out not liking the topic, but began to become interested the more she read. I am encouraged by both viewpoints. As always, I was a bundle of nerves as I sent the files to the conference director. Will the publisher like it enough to invest? Will he have good things to say? Now I have a month to wait for an outcome. I so hate waiting!
I will admit that every step I have taken with this project, I feel God’s hand stirring the flames. I really believe He wants me to write this book. Do I believe that it will get published? Not necessarily. The project may merely be a tool for me to learn more about myself. My prayer is that He is with me the entire time.
Blessings to you all.
Very excited for your writing journey! I will pray for God's will in the outcome. Most importantly, may your writing always give glory to God and draw you nearer to Him! With a topic like "suffering," I'm sure God will be pleased because, after all, he chose for his Son to suffer to save us, and I believe God continues to use suffering to redeem and purify our souls. In your spare time (ha!), you should read St. Faustina's Diary...nearly every page is filled with the topic of redemptive suffering. God bless you!