My dry spell still plagues me in these beautiful days of spring. I continue to spend my time walking, enjoying nature, and searching. The other day I sat out on the patio my husband is building reading the Bible. I began at the beginning of Psalms. Excited, the fourth chapter spoke to me. My pen began to write words on the paper until I realized they reflected so many of my previous posts. I growled out a couple more sentences closing my notebook in irritation.
Today as I drove my daughter to school, I wondered what I would do to entertain myself on this cold cloudy day. Gardening in the chilly weather holds no appeal to me, so I thought of my painting, editing, and crocheting projects let alone cleaning house as options, but I wanted to write. A Natalie Grant song came on the radio which reminded me of her other song. Or what I thought was her other song.
Once home I started looking for the music on iTunes, but hit a couple of dead ends. Being of the instant access to information generation, I became a little impatient with my search. I almost quit. Luckily, I am also bullheaded and finally found what I wanted. The song is actually sung by Nichole Nordeman and Amy Grant and is entitled “I’m With You (Ruth & Naomi). I can’t remember the first time I heard the lyrics on the radio, but I really connected with the song.
Twenty-two and a half years ago, my fiancé and I began planning our wedding. When asked what readings we wanted, the love of my life asked for a reading from the book of Ruth. He didn’t request much, leaving most of the arrangements up to me, so I gladly agreed to this reading. Admittedly, I hesitated in my mind because the reading talked about me giving up my family and following his family. Yet, metaphorically I didn’t mind if my following represented faith. His family all attended church together and I wanted that in my family.
As I grew in my faith, I read the book of Ruth a couple of times and read a novel about Ruth and Naomi. The novel really struck home. Ruth’s family (in the novel), though rich and influential, didn’t have a faith life. Her mother-in-law, Naomi, did. When her husband, brother-in-law, and father-in-law died, times became hard. Ruth relied on this faith to help them start a new life. Though she could have easily left the faith and returned to her parents, Ruth worked hard with constant belief. In the end, she found a home for the two of them.
My mother-in-law and I have also journeyed. Some of our family members have left through choice or death and some have left our faith. Literally we have not been homeless like Naomi and Ruth; yet, I can’t help see times in our life where we were homeless in relationship with family. But, we keep moving forward. I think of all the hard work Ruth struggled through to earn them a home. She worked in the fields for their food. I haven’t worked like her in my homelessness. With relationship though, the journey must take place between all parties involved. I am happy to say I am not homeless with my mother-in-law. I am very blessed to have her in my life. She always supports all that I do from my projects, writing, faith, and raising her grandbabies. I wish I could say I have been as good of a daughter-in-law. I will keep trying. Ruth will be my guide.
I am curious. Is there a person from the Bible you relate to and hold dear? I would love to hear your story. Blessings to you all.
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