Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Best Friend

                While my son and I were anticipating traveling to Washington State to attend Creations Northwest, I listened to many youtube videos.  I also bought a couple of CDs of the Christian music artists that would be there throughout the week.  Chris Tomlin and the Newsboys played over and over in my home.  We also listened to them and CDs my son and some of the other kids had on our way there.  On the way back, we of course had even more of a selection after buying additional CDs while at the concerts.  During all of this music listening, one lyric haunted me.
                When the song would play, I tended to tune it out because it wasn’t my favorite of songs.  Yet, when the one line played, I always stopped and paused.  At the concert of the Newsboys, the song Jesus Freak started to play.  For some reason I have problems with the idea of Jesus freaks walking around in the world.  It can turn others away from Christ and we are to do the opposite.  Granted, I am sure there are those out there that probably think I am a freak, but I hope more people see the qualities in me that Jesus asked us to live: love, patience, understanding, faith, and the list goes on and on.  I know I don’t pull off being this way all the time, but I do prefer this over being a freak.  As the song played that evening, the lyric boomed all over the fair grounds.  My favorite line of all time was in the song I probably like the least.  “That my best friend was born in a manger.”
                These words resonate in my soul.  “My best friend was born in a manger.”  He didn’t come from rich parents.  His birth was far more humble then my own.  I will never gain monetary riches from this dear friend of mine.  However, He loves me through thick and thin.  He carries me through my struggles and rejoices with me through my triumphs.  Daily He walks beside me.  I can’t think of a better best friend to have.  Does this make me a Jesus freak?  Maybe, maybe not.  Most of the time, I don’t care what people think.  And why should I?  Jesus is my best friend.
                Soon many people around the world will be celebrating my best friend’s birthday.  Hopefully He is their best friend and yours.  Oh, and another cool thing is I get to go to His house and celebrate.  Life couldn’t get much better.  Happy Birthday Jesus.
Blessings to you all

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           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...