Friday, February 7, 2020

Call Me What I Am

Shaking my head, I realize that I need to go back into my writing room and stop reading articles.  Wow, this Super Bowl halftime stuff is hilarious.  Yes, I saw the show.  Now, facebook has gone crazy with a ton of articles.  I have read one or two.  I don’t remember whose timeline I was on, so I can’t quote the articles, but one of them states that those who didn’t like the halftime show are racist.  Seriously?  They talked about all the ethnic representation done with the dancing.  To prove I am not racist, I have to claim I liked the show.  Not going to happen.

I didn’t like the show.  I am not racist.  You can call me that if you like, but it doesn’t make it true.  I am sure there are those out in the world that hated the show because they are racist.  Unfortunately, racists do exist.  But to say if a person didn’t like the show means they are racist is pathetic.

Years ago, my husband and I went to Ensenada, Mexico.  While there for the day, we went to a Mexican festival.  The dancing and music was phenomenal.  I loved how the beautiful women used their long, flared-out, brightly colored skirts as part of the dance.  I don’t think I have ever seen anything so beautiful.  When I saw similar dance steps at the halftime show, I thought of the potential to make the message great.  Instead, I was saddened at how such beautiful cultural dances were sexualized.

I am sorry I didn’t like looking at JLo’s crotch.  Distasteful.  Does this make me a racist?  No!  Prudish?  Undoubtedly.  I am okay with being called a prude, old-fashioned, and modest.  And I don't care how much you explain a pole away, I will always see a stripper attached to it when wearing little clothing and making those types of moves.  These are the reasons I didn’t like the halftime show.  I think crotches and poles should be left at the strip clubs or the bedroom, not during a halftime show.

So come on people.  Call me what I really am.

I wrote this the day after the Super Bowl.  I wanted to put other things on my blog first, so I continued to see things about show.  At first, I thought about whether I should be offended by one meme.  Instead, I laughed like crazy when one of my friends put a meme on her timeline about how next year's halftime show would be put on by an Amish choir.  Now, that is funny.  I still would prefer the Mexican dresses.

A friend of my daughter's posted a meme of the Olympics uniforms for volleyball and gymnastic.  This gave me pause.  Maybe I should have liked halftime.  Then I realized, no.  I really don't like those uniforms either.  Yes, I am prudish.

And you know, I am okay with being prudish.  I am okay with people liking the show at halftime.  I am no more racist because I didn't like the show as my friends are sluts for liking the show.  I will call this whole thing what it really is.  A difference of opinion.  Wow, what a concept.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Enjoying Winter: Excited

The last week found me very busy enjoying winter.  Really, I can't call what the Helena Valley is doing with winter.  I have no snow on the property at all.  Most days, the weather has been above thirty degrees and sunny.  Beautiful.  If my hip wasn't a mess, I would be outside playing in the yard.  Yes, it is that gorgeous here.

Saturday, I drug my husband out to a craft/antique fair at the Civic Center.  I was so surprised when he saw an old cabinet for a record player that he liked.  They had turned it into a mini bar.  Well, they also had an old radio cabinet turned mini bar as well.  I liked the radio better, but the record player worked better.  I let him decide.  We came home with the record player.

We stopped and chatted with Nikki Gulick from Augusta who owns Iron Horse Metal Art.  What a delightful young lady!  She was great a putting up with me.  I talked with her for about fifteen minutes.  I have ordered a piece of art that I have technically been waiting for the last nineteen and a half years.  I will explain the project more when I get the art.  Needless to say, I am very excited.

Next, I drug Jerry to an antique store.  I spotted a handle on the wall, but most of the rest of the amazing piece was behind a bookcase.  Jerry helped me.  The saw is gorgeous, and I picked it up for a minute $27.00.  What a find.  In fact, I am debating sending it to Augusta to have Richard cut into the blade.  We will see.  But I do love it.

Of course, on Sunday, we enjoyed parts of the Super Bowl.  I was disappointed in my teams play the second half.  I also didn't care for most of the halftime show.  I did enjoy seeing old friends.  And bonus, I won the first quarter pool of $400.00.  Yay!!!  I am going to get outdoor lighting later in the spring.  I am pretty excited for that as well.

Monday, Madelle and I went for a walk at the lake.  I can't walk far, but it was so nice to be outside.  We are going to continue to try this.  Once I am released to do walking after the surgery, she has agreed to walk with me to help in the rehab.  Yep, I am excited.  I think this is the theme for today's post.

All in all, I enjoyed this last week of winter.  We are supposed to be getting a storm in the next two days.  Stay tuned on how much I enjoy this next week.  It could be entertaining.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Joy to the World

"If the Lord is our joy, our joy cannot be taken away.  It cannot be lost." Scott Hahn, Joy to the World, pg. 155.

The quote jumped out at me over the weekend as I finished my reading for this weeks study group.  I loved the quote and the entire chapter that was devoted to joy.  My days are filled with an abundance of joy.  God has given me so much.  I have wonderful friends and family.  I have the best husband for me.  My faith is strong.

Now, I do have challenges.  I am in pain a good amount of time.  Normally, I ignore the aches and pains from my autoimmune diseases.  My hip is bone on bone.  Ouch.  But I get a new one next month which will be amazing.  With these challenges, I might have a down day now and then, but being retired, I know how fortunate I am.  I can rest and all is well.

But lets face it, life is tough.  Today, I am struggling.  Not from the pain or fatigue, but from the struggles of some of my family.  My daughter is not doing well with the negativity she is feeling at school.  I am worried about her.  I have a family member in the hospital that concerns me.  These are some big stressors that I have no control over.  I could let myself slip into despair; yet, I find myself staying joyful through a little work.

I stay strong in the Lord.  Today, I have prayed to surrender my pain both physically and emotionally.  I give thanks for what is in my life.  One, I woke up.  Two, the sun is shining.  Three, I spent time with three delightful ladies at the church this morning.  I keep myself busy with tasks to fill my day like writing.  I will do a little housework.  I will watch for the birds who eat outside my window. I will look at beautiful flower photos.  These are the things God has given me to keep the joy in my life.


           First, I wanted to chat a little bit about my last post with Saint Joan of Arc’s quote before going on to the next quote.  I have...