The NaNo (National Novel Writing
Month) is over for me. I am so thankful. I hit the 50,000 words on Saturday, but I
wanted to cushion it by about 1500 which I did slowly the last couple of
days. I uploaded my work today and
won. My project still needs to be
completed. I have about three more
chapters to write and a couple more to finish up. Oh, and then the dreaded editing begins. After 50,000 words, I am a bit burnt
out. The funny thing is though; I can’t
imagine doing anything but writing. Of
course, a thousand words are much easier to face in a day as opposed to two to
three thousand. So, running around town
today, I kept thinking of what to write for my next blog post.
This past month I read the book One
Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I
came upon the book in a roundabout way.
Last month I had an editor tell me my writing was choppy. My dear friend cheered me forward not only
suggesting I read this book but also lending me her copy. She wanted me to read Ann’s style because of
the choppiness to see I can also publish even if I am a little broken up. Well, her style is definitely choppy. However, the reason behind the style is her
poetic use of words. I felt like it was
one huge poem beautifully written from the heart. I loved the book.
The premise of her story is
creating a stronger faith life after living through the struggles faced in
life. Her mission was to write down her
gifts received from God one by one until she listed 1000. That is a huge number. Now, every night I say my prayer of thanks to
God. I rattle off everything until I
either fall asleep or start daydreaming.
But, Ann poetically captured the beauty in all the gifts she is
given. I was captivated by her use of
words. I would like to say I have
started to do this, but alas, I still simply list my gifts.
I thought of the book this morning
as I woke to achy shoulders and other body parts. The shoulders were the worst. I sat down at my desk to work a little on my
suffering project. Today’s assignment
was to write about thankfulness. I
talked about how I could wallow in my pain today, but instead would be
I am thankful
for the opportunity to rest. I am
thankful for an activity today that will get me out of the house. I am thankful to be able to hang out with my
daughter and her friends. I am thankful
for my cat who will keep me company as I rest.
I am thankful for a new entertaining book I get to read. I am thankful to be able to write and edit to
sweep out the cobwebs from my mind as it wants to retreat into the pain. I helped my son with homework for his
advanced government class. I am thankful
he is taking the class and I am thankful for being able to help.
My simple list helped me smile and
conquer my morning. By this afternoon, I
lay in bed exhausted. My cat joined
me. I kept growling at her because she
continued getting between me and my book.
I realized that I was supposed to be thankful for her company. I gave her the attention she wanted for about
five minutes. She finally curled up at
my feet and fell asleep. I was thankful.
to you all.