What to write about this week. I am adjusting to my oldest being gone. The daughter’s new room is all but complete. We are just waiting for the new bed and me to make some corkboard runners for her artist wall. The middle child has been moody with the onslaught of allergies hitting the poor kid. My husband is recuperating from his weekend doing his military gig. Happily I have worked in my vegetable garden. Yes, even with the very cold rainy spring, I am getting my vegetables to come up. (Opps, actually the credit needs to go to God.) I am still waiting patiently for some. With this beautiful hot weather, they should be greeting me soon.
Though I have had a flare-up of my fibromyalgia, a couple of sleepless nights, and lack of energy, I am still happy and content. My house isn’t getting all that clean. The outside projects are at a standstill. Oh, my kindle died. Cooking and baking are not at all a part of my vocabulary at the moment. I keep wondering what I am doing with my days, but they are gliding softly by like the breeze through the trees. All the activities I had lined up for Madelle aren’t getting done. Oh, my. I wonder if Jesus’ mother Mary had those times. Speaking of Mary’s, in a way, I feel like Mary the sister of Martha sitting at the feet of Jesus listening. What am I hearing?
On Sunday, Father Dan talked about the Trinity. I have always felt a connection to the trinity though I could never explain the concept well. So, I sat up a little straighter anticipating new knowledge. Four days later I am still thinking of the three points he made. “God is for us; Jesus is with us; and the Spirit is in us.” Very cool. I also was excited that the new book I picked up started with discussing the trinity. Well, the reading revealed nothing. But I listened all the same. I wonder if Mary felt the same way while listening to some of the things Jesus had to say.
The new book I am reading I found in my son’s vehicle. I have wanted to read it for ages, but he hasn’t finished it. Well, with him being gone, I am taking the opportunity. “Ask The Bible Geek” is written my Mark Hart who I listen to on the radio from time to time. This guy is amazing and I would love to see him in person. I chuckled because God is working something. They are watching tapings of Mark at the youth group Bible study my other son is attending. This week’s topic for the youth was creation. He really liked how Mark addressed that man and woman are very different: physically, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically. Not a view point much of the world wants to admit, but true nonetheless. More good discussions are sure to follow!
In the book, all of the Bible verses Mark discusses and the way he connects them to our everyday life are easy to apply to life. I was excited when he went through the prayers of the Mass and showed me where to find much of them from scripture. I was surprised at what is pulled from the Old Testament that the church keeps living in the service. Another point that caught my attention was a friend of his asked if any famous people attended his church. Let’s see, there are God and Jesus just to name a few. He also talked about when he goes to church he invites saints to sit with him. I love that!!! I realize there are people who struggle with the concept of saints, but I know a couple of them have helped guide me in my life. I need to invite them to sit with me.
Finally, the last verse in Matthew just seemed to wrap the words around me to bring me great comfort this week. “…And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20. What a perfect ending to a book. Jesus spoke these words and left them to the end. He is with me always. Father Dan said Jesus is with me. He is the famous guy that goes to church with me every Sunday. So, I am going to enjoy sitting at Jesus’ feet as Mary did thousands of years ago. Of course, the Martha in me will continue to work in the garden and hopefully do some housework. While I do my daily tasks, I will invite Jesus with me though I know he is coming anyway.
Blessing to you all.